Chapter 5

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Danny's POV
After that monster attack, I was surprised I could still run. My body ached no doubt but I felt fine. Maybe cause I'm used to the random attacks. I wasn't in complete shocked because I've seen things worst than that. I was also wondering where in the entire universe did Percy get a sword. A sword that looked like a pen too. That would be a great weapon to have.

We ran as fast as we could avoiding all the people who were walking up and down the pavement. To be honest, I didn't know why we were running but the look on Percy's face said it all, he was determined to get home. After several twists and turns Percy burst right into the door of his apartment. He had his hands on his knees as he tried to steady his breathing. His mom got up from the chair in the dinning table and jogged towards us.

She crouched down and touched Percy's face and said something to him that wasn't clear to my hearing. Then she touched my face too. It was like she was looking for scars and bruises. "Are you alright?" She asked with sincere concern for us both. I nodded and smiled to assure her that I was alright. She nodded and stood straight.

"What happened? What was it this time?" She sounded serious but still worried at the same time.

What did she mean by that? Have something like this happened before? I glanced over at Percy. His face was just as serious as his mother's. "It was Arachne." Percy said quietly as he looked at the ground. "You boys need to get to camp. Its not safe here." Percy's mom said. I gasped a bit and I'm sure they heard me because their eyes were on me. I cleared my throat. "Isn't Arachne part of a Greek mythology? And what do you mean we aren't safe here?" I asked.

At this point I have to admit I was confused. More than confused, I was clueless.

Percy hesitantly glanced at his mother and she gave a slight nod in return. They lead me over to the small dining room table and we all sat down. They started telling me how Percy is a demigod, son of Poseidon. Saying how he could control water and cause earthquakes.

Apparently there's this camp where all half-god children go for the summer or stay there for good. Sally stayed quiet for most of the time as she twiddled her thumbs. I glanced at her a few times. I was worried about her. How many times did this happen to Percy? Was she living in fear that one day she may loose her only son?

Percy packed a few shirts and some other Greek things I don't know. "When are we leaving?" I asked as I packed my things. I was planning on bringing a few items from my ghost gadget bag but I reconsidered because anything can happen.

"We're leaving now." He said with a serious tone. Percy looked scarier when he's serious like that.

After Percy packed the last item, we headed out immediately. We said goodbye to Percy's mom as she waved us off with tears in her eyes.

We walked for a couple of miles. Along the way there were more attacks but just minor ones. But it was still an attack. Monsters seem to just pop out everywhere.

"How can you see through the mist?" Percy asked.

"The what?"

"The mist." He said. He didn't reply immediately though. "Uhh, its like this thing that hides the strange things I—we see and change them into different less terrifying visions."

Well I had no idea about that. For all my life I never knew about this thing called the mist. "I don't know." I admitted while feeling kinda lame because I don't have any explanation for it.

Lost Son Of The Sea God (A Danny Phantom And Percy Jackson Story)Where stories live. Discover now