Chapter 6

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Percy's POV
So, I didn't know what happened. One minute I was drinking blueberry juice and the next my juice went all over the place.

We didn't know what was that thing and what had happen. But all I know is that Danny was the Danny with white hair aka Phantom.

How was that even possible? I mean I can control water and I'm a demigod but Danny can completely change his appearance.

I want to be able to do that. And he can fly too.

We helped Danny to the Apollo's cabin so they can do their healing thing. The campers were hesitant but I assured them he could be trusted.

I stared at Danny as he flinched at the touch of Will Solace's hands. "We could give him some ambrosia." He suggested "But he's not a demigod." Annabeth said. "We don't know what he is." I crossed my arms.

Chiron trotted to the Apollo cabin and asked how everything is going. Will replied with a thumbs up but he also asked if it was ok to give Danny some ambrosia. Chiron was taking his time to answer. Annabeth and I shared equally worried glances. He finally gave his answer and told Will to give Danny only a pinch of it.

Will did as told and we waited there for Danny to wake up. I'm pretty sure everyone was also hoping they didn't accidentally kill him.

Danny coughed and gasped for air. He shot right up and looked around the place frantically. "Where's Skulker?!" He yelled, obviously worried.

"Who or what is Skulker." Annabeth moved closer to Danny. He placed his hand on his forehead and sighed. "I don't really know how to explain this to you guys."

"Why don't we let Danny rest first?" Chiron suggested. We nodded and I took Annabeth's hand and led her away.

"Are you sure we can trust him?" She asked as she looked at Danny over her shoulder with her sharp eyes. I chuckled "Of course Wise Girl. When have I ever been wrong?" I ginned.

"You're never always right, Seaweed Brain." I managed to make her smile. I pulled her close to me and kissed her hair.

"So Danny, why didn't you tell me you were Phantom?" I asked feeling a bit sad because he didn't trust me as much as I trusted him.

He looked at his bruised arm. "I don't know. Its because the only ones who knows about this secret are my two best friends and my sister, which she found out on her own by my carelessness."

Annabeth glanced at me. "So what are you?" Danny gulped "A halfa."

"Half a what?" I asked.

"You mean half-blood?" Annabeth actually sounded confused. Danny shook his head "I don't think so. I'm half human and half ghost. So that means I'm half dead."

"How is that possible?" Annabeth scratched her head trying so hard to make all this logical.

Danny began to explain how he become half ghost and how he got his powers. It was even more confusing. "So you're not a demigod?" I felt a bit disappointed. "Not to my intention. No."

I still don't understand how he was dead yet also alive. Hades wouldn't let a soul just escape the underworld. I don't even think Hades would accept this. Don't know why he hasn't done anything about it.

All of us gathered around the camp fire as we chatted away with one another. Some of the campers were keeping their distance away from Danny but at least some campers were trying to befriend him. Especially the Hephaestus cabin. Danny's parents are scientists and they built a lot of equipment which was fascinating to the Hephaestus kids.

Danny's blue eyes reflected the fire as he talked. He looked happy and so comfortable. Annabeth was talking to Chiron and Grover was with Juniper. I sat on the ground, watching the Stoll Brothers carrying out their pranks. It was pretty noisy during camp fires.

But then everyone fell silent. I was confused at the moment but then I realized why. There was a bright glowing light coming from the corner of my eye. It was Rachel. She came strolling in with green light beams coming out of her eyes and mouth.

Danny looked pretty freaked out coming from someone who's half ghost.

"I am the oracle of Delphi and I am here to deliver a prophecy." Rachel said. Every time there's a prophecy being delivered, there's always a quest. And to be honest I am not in the mood for a quest.

"Two heroes, brought together by fate,
To save someone who is used as bait.
They must work together to stand tall,
Or the entire world will shift and fall."

Everyone didn't say a word. Instead they were trying to figure out the prophecy. Rachel's green glow stopped and she fell to the ground. Annabeth and Will helped her up and sat her next to some other campers.

Chiron beamed "Looks like we have a quest!" He smiled. "Who would want to go on this quest?" Chiron looked around.

"I want to go." Said someone who's voice I didn't expect to hear. Everyone looked at Danny with confusion. "It said two heroes were brought by fate. And I'm often known as a hero in my other half. And I'm pretty sure the other one meant Percy because we met without any warning. Literally." He smirked at me as I recalled the incident with the coffee thing.

"I guess that's pretty accurate." I said as I walked over to Danny. "I guess I'm going on this quest too." I sighed. From a distance I could hear someone yelling "Typical!" And that was Clarisse.

Chiron nodded and told us we needed to head out early tomorrow morning after we ate and pack all out stuff. The other campers cheered as Chiron confirmed the two people who were going on this latest quest.

Not long after I saw a glow from the corner of my eye again. I looked at Danny and I was in complete shock. My jaw dropped and so did everyone else's. "What?" Danny asked. As clueless as anyone would be.

"Impossible." Annabeth said with disbelief in her voice. "This can't be." Grover said. "Its the Hades Symbol." I whispered.

Above Danny's head, was the Hades symbol. He has been claimed. And he is in fact a demigod.

Lost Son Of The Sea God (A Danny Phantom And Percy Jackson Story)Where stories live. Discover now