Chapter 9

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Danny's POV
"We're gonna stop by my home first before we continue. I need to tell my mom about this  quest. I don't want her to find out through camp." Percy said as we walked down the streets. I looked around my surroundings for unusual events but everything seemed normal.

We reached the home of Percy and as soon as he walked through the door his mother stood immediately from the couch. Her face was both confused and worried. "Percy why are you here? You should be at camp." She said as she ran over to the kitchen to make us some tea.

"Well mom we're here because we have to go on a quest." His voice faded towards the end of his sentence. 

His mother lowered the kettle and slowly stirred the tea. I noticed her shoulders dropped as she sighed. She brought the tea to the kitchen table and poured in our cups. "Thanks Mrs Jackson." I said with a smile and she nodded.

"Percy are you two going on this quest?" She asked with a tone so serious she almost sounded like my mom. Percy nodded as he sipped his tea. She kept her head head down and eyes on her hands. "Promise me that you will be safe. Both of you." She said holding both our hands in hers.

"We will mom." Percy managed a smile. "Oh and I forgot to tell you that Danny is a demigod too!" He exclaimed. "He's the son of..."

"Hades" Percy's mom said with a tiny smile. "I know, honey."

"What?" Percy and I said looked really confused at the situation. She chuckled. "The two of you actually met before this. You two were about 2 years old when your mother brought you to visit us." She said to me.

"You knew my mother?" I asked in disbelief. She nodded. "Why didn't she tell me about you guys when she knew I was coming to the states?" I ran my hands through my hair.

"Your mother wanted to forget most of the things that had anything to do with your demigod self." She explained.

"Now that you mention it, it was hard to convince her to let me come here. But why?" I looked at Percy then her.

"She didn't want her husband to know that you weren't exactly his son. I was the only one she told about all this. She didn't want you to know because there are reasons to that. She would call me from time to time but she did it so rarely I treasured the moment she did call. She was my closest friend. She was like a sister to me, and when I got a call one day from her saying that you got electrocuted in one of their inventions my heart almost stopped." I sat there stunned. How long did my mom knew about me going through the portal. Percy's mom placed a hand on my shoulder "You're like a son to me Danny. After that incident she didn't call again. I assumed you to be.." She couldn't get the word out of her mouth.

"Dead" I said looking into her foggy eyes. "Yes but when I saw you walk through that door with Percy I felt nothing but relief. All the memories of the two of you when you were toddlers filled my mind. I was amazed to see how big you've grown." She giggled.

"Why did you not tell me this mom?" Percy asked. "Some things are better left a secret honey."

I began to question a lot of things. Why didn't my mom just tell me I was a demigod. Why didn't she tell me she knew about my incident. When did we go to New York? How much did she actually know?

It was only Percy and I left at the table. Percy checked his beg for the fifth time making sure he had everything. I, on the other hand, was still trying to process everything.

"How are you handling this?" Percy asked making sure I was alright. "Did your mom tell you who your father was?" I rested my arms on the table.

He shook his head. "She didn't."

"Why don't our parents just tell us we were demigods in the first place?"

"Chiron said they shouldn't tell us because once we're aware of who we are, monsters can smell our scent more than before." He explained.

"So they were just protecting us?" My voice was soft. Almost vulnerable to make me break. I looked at Percy with his green eyes looking right into mine. He mouthed "yeah" and continue to check his stuff.

I glanced at the television and I remembered something. I decided to ask Percy about it . "Puncy." He rolled his eyes at the name. I couldn't help but chuckle. "What show were you watching when we were both on the couch?"

His face went a shade of pink. He rubbed his neck and chuckled nervously. "Okay, don't judge me when I tell you but I like watching documentaries about marine life. Instead of the boring narrating they changed it to voice overs imitating the thoughts of the animals."

I stared at him blankly the out of nowhere burst out laughing. This makes much more sense. Percy looked at me and by the looks of his face I knew he was embarrassed. "That's the same reaction I got when I told Annabeth the same thing." He mumbled.

"We have to go now mom." Percy said, hugging his mom. "Be safe please. Come back home as soon as you finish the quest." Percy nodded and kiss his mom on the cheek.

Percy's mother turned to me and touched my face. "Same goes to you. Come back alive or you mom will hunt me down." She hugged me. "I'll make sure to come back without a scratch."

We left the building and back on the streets. I turned my heel to Percy. "So, where's our first destination?"

"I have a feeling we should look for clues." He suggested. "And how do you suppose we do that?" I asked again.

"We just follow our instincts." He grinned. I scoffed "How are you a hero again?"

He laughed and we took a cab. "Oh look who it is." Said a female voice. "Oh no why did it had to be this cab." Percy groaned.

Lost Son Of The Sea God (A Danny Phantom And Percy Jackson Story)Where stories live. Discover now