Chapter 24: The Confidante

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"So after careful observation, I've determined a fool-proof way to get unparalleled female adoration. You know how nobody likes to change their Profile Pictures unless it is a brand-new, High Definition visual perfection? Which is typically the product of Professional Cameras (DSLRs anyone?). At social events, there's a reason why the guy with the camera is a regular chick magnet. These unfortunate idiots are stuck behind the lens, due to the fact that they usually look like potatoes, and are highly prone to feminine calls of distress, "Derp! I haven't changed my Facebook Profile Photo in the past twenty minutes! HELP!".
Trust me; DSLR owners are the heroes Instagram needs, but doesn't deserve..."--Nitty Gritty (Issue 930, April, 2015)

The next few weeks after the Bake Sale, were a blur of term exams, assignments, and projects, interspersed with very infrequent play rehearsals.

Our play, named, "Aik Kahani, Khusro ki Zubani" (A tale, narrated by Khusro) is apparently going to be a big deal around here. It happens to be the Drama club's annual production, and we are supposed to deliver it in a month's time, at the end of this semester. As such, the conflicting schedules, and monthly exams have prevented us from having a proper rehearsal. Hence, I barely got to see Faris, after Shay's idiotic, juvenile, note stunt.

He has, so far, made no comment about the note to either me, or Pareeshae, and this fact alone was eating me up. Shay of course, is blissfully content that she had "Done the right thing, by being honest to him"


Even with excessive prodding, Shay refused to divulge the contents of that secret note.

I'm glad the hectic study schedules prevented me from fully disclosing my opinions to Shay, because I'm certain her bubbly, rainbow-filled world will not take my reality check, all that kindly.

Things at home have also been pretty eventful.

Apparently, Yasir thinks it's that stage, of his relationship with Maria...You know? the, I'll-bring-my-folks-over-to-your-house-for-some-chai-and-samosas, stage. Which in our culture, usually leads to an engagement, and marriage in the long term.

Mama had a long, secret talk with Maria about her future plans, before allowing Yasir to bring his parents to our home.

"I think I'm ready for it." Maria pinked when she told me about it.

"Don't you think this is going too fast?" I asked her.

I'm not discouraging her from getting into a proper relationship, but I think she is still too young, and too naive to make a commitment right now. 21 is barely an adult. I know for a fact that my sister still likes to sleep with a night-light, and twenty-year-old, raggedy, stuffed panda bear. She secretly watches old Looney Tunes cartoons on Youtube, and I saw her crying over a Winnie The Pooh episode, not two months ago.

I'm not sure that I trust Yasir yet, to keep up with her vibrant nature; both emotionally, and creatively. Besides, his eye-brows are most peculiar. They are very thin. An almost non-existent slash of hair, over his deep-set eyes.

I don't trust men with thin eye-brows.
Well...I kind of don't trust most men, period. But Thin Eye-brows just spells trouble to me.

Kind of taking baby-steps about the whole play thing, I confessed to Maria about it. After she got over her denial phase, she hugged the life out of me with her un-restrained joy.

"Lil! I always knew you'd make me proud!" she signed excitedly, nearly knocking my glasses off in her enthusiasm, "This is so exciting! Fair warning; I'm going to be all up in your business over this one..."

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