Chapter 32: The Strangers

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"Farewell parties are always emotional.

There are plenty of tears.

Plenty of "Can you believe it's been four years since we first met?" (Read: I can't wait to NOT see your ugly mug everyday.)

Plenty of "We HAVE to meet up every month, guys!" (Read: I want to make sure all of you are as miserable in your corporate slave lives as I am!)

Plenty of "Congratulations on your engagement!" (Read: I wish I had taken the chance to say hi to you three years ago in Marketing Class. You were supposed to be the mother of my future children. Now you're engaged to your Phuppo ka beta (Cousin) fml...)

Regrets. Memories. Goodbyes.

It's been a heck of a journey my little judgy readers.

Gentle Reader. As I graduate this year, with hopes of securing a job that pays me to be myself and explore my creative drive (LOL), it is with a heavy heart I announce that this issue of Nitty Gritty will be the last one under my penmanship. Perhaps one day, another undercover bitchy, sarcastic hater will emerge from the masses of IBSA, and continue this legacy of Derisive Hilarity.

Please don't keep in touch.

Good riddance.

-Faris Maniar. (Editor, Author, Creator, Founder, Mother, Father, Neighbor-in-Law, etc. of Nitty Gritty)

"Do you remember the time we got you those Goldfish, and you were so worried about them not getting sleep at night, that you took them out of the tank, and tried to tuck them in with you, in your own bed?" Aliya Auntie's face was shining with happy tears as she laughed at Azaan's mortified face.

"Ma. I'd rather NOT remember that..." Azaan mutters as the rest of us roar with laughter.

The atmosphere of the crowded hospital room resembles that of a festive party.

After sleeping for a solid 18 hours, Azaan woke up, with most of his memories restored.

The human body works in miraculous ways, it seems. Azaan 2.0 seems like the old Azaan. Just slightly stunned, and confused...which is pretty natural all things considered.

"I remember once I drew all over Aliya Mami's (Aunt) walls, and she tried to bribe all of us kids with candy..." Azaan's cousin Mina grins at him, "She said that the creator of that "Lovely Wall-Art" would get two candy bars, if he or she owns up. I wisely kept quiet, but you can guess who confessed to the crime, for some candy? You always was a greedy little twerp., Azaan. Served you right when Mami twisted your ear, made you clean up the mess and sent you to bed without dinner..."

I had to hold onto Shay for support, to control the giggles.

"I did eventually get the candy." Azaan growls ineffectively, trying to hide his reddening face.

Azaan's family is hilarious. His grandmother rules over them with an iron fist and a fire-breathing tongue, while his siblings and cousins never stop teasing one another over the silliest of things. I can't believe how close his extended family is, or how caring and supportive they are. They're so comfortable around one other, which is fascinating for me, because I barely know my own cousins my name.

His family is so close-knit, and real, that I am almost envious of his memory-loss.

Apparently, his cousin Mina and her husband decided to visit Pakistan earlier this year when they learned about Azaan's accident. I was pleasantly surprised (and mildly creeped out) when Mina greeted me by my name, and an over-enthusiastic hug. She towers over my five foot frame, and has a riot of curly hair, so you can imagine how overwhelmed I was by all that enthusiasm.

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