Bonus Feature: Confessions From Behind The DRM screen

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These are some random, 'Haww' inducing confessions from during the course of this novel. I'm penning these down as we go along the story.

Confession #1  

So I've said it before that I have an evil voice in my head too. Just like Mina from my book, "Not That Interested". So basically, my Evil Voice  (EEV-E's Evil Voice), likes to give spontaneous plot ideas to me, that are designed to put me in a crunch about two months in the future, where I'm left scratching my head like: "WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING???"

1) Exhibit A:

Me: *while planning story details* Hmm. I wonder how many siblings Azaan has....

EEV: Make one of them die.

Me: What? No!!

EEV: I'm serious. One of his brothers died in the army.

Me: Err...where would this fit in the plot?

EEV: Make him his only other brother. Will pack more of a punch....

Me: No...

EEV: He will be super nice, and brave, and awesome so that it hurts more...

Me: NO!

EEV: Doitdoitdoitdoitdoit

Me: *creates the character of Amaan*

Me: Okay. Done. Now what? What's his story? How does he relate to Azaan's side of the story?

EEV: What? Am I supposed to do all the hard work here? *Sips a Latte*

Me: -.-

2) Exhibit B:

Me: *Listening to music while thinking over the plot*

EEV: Zaif could be a musician, you know. He will be the distant, moody kind. Stays out of the country...

Me: Ooh. Nice. *Introduces Zaif's character*

Me: *Notices it after publishing*

Me: Wait. Why the hell does he have to stay out of the country?

EEV: 🙈


EEV: I'm not responsible for this. 👼

3) Exhibit C:

EEV: Wouldn't it be cool if you write the prologue this way?? *Explains the current prologue*

Me: That's beautiful. Thanks.
*Writes and publishes it*
I'm sure you have a plan to fit it perfectly someplace.

EEV: Duh.

*Months pass*

Me: *Somewhere in the middle of the book*
So. When exactly are we planning on fitting this in the plot?

EEV: Be patient.

Me: Okay.

*More months pass*

Me: *Almost nearing the end of the book*
Dude. Wtf? When are we fitting this?

EEV: Hmm? Fit what?

Me: 😭🔫

4) Exhibit D:

EEV: Hey. Remember when X told us about his memory loss?

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