Chapter 10 - He Promised Me !

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Katherine's POV

"Katherine, i need you to come with me !" Caleb said ,his voice shaking ,his face looked pinched, his eyes glassy. he looked like he was going to cry, but he didn't.It was an emotion I couldn't put my finger on.

Sad? Scared? I finally got it.


But why?

I couldn't help it too , I started getting worried,and creepy thoughts start playing in my head.

Cara came from behind me and handed me my coat , she had the same expression as Caleb's.
"Katherine , lets go "She said and i can feel the same shakiness in her voice.

"Where i should go ? What happened ? Why both of you are acting like this ?" I said looking between the both of them , but they didn't answer.

To be honest a part of me didn't want to know the answer, i was afraid, too afraid that my thoughts could be real !

"Lets go now please ! " Cara said putting her hand on my back pushing me outside .

Caleb start driving and the tension inside the car was killing me.

"Where are we going ? " I said sick of the silent , sick of them not telling me anything.

"Why no one is answering me ??" I shouted when i couldn't handle it anymore.

"Where is Chase?" I almost whispered the question , afraid to hear the answer , and at the mention of Chase , Caleb's shoulders tensed .

While Cara came beside me, and just hugged me.

This is killing me , they are not answering me, but their expressions is saying it all , i know the answers to my questions , i know what is wrong but i'm too afraid to think about it, too afraid to admit it !

The car has slowed down , meaning we arrived , i looked around trying to recognize the place , but the heavy raining is not helping that much , and then i saw it , i saw a sign , "Columbia's Medical Center" was written on it.

All what i was trying to ignore , all what i was trying to not think about , came back the moment i saw the sign .

This can't be happening..

It can't..

"Why we are here ?" I asked ,my voice shaking , i was trying not break down, trying to control myself but i was miserably failing.

I asked them but deep inside i just knew the answer..

Something happened to him..

Something really bad happened ,

To my Chase..

I can sense it !

The thought alone made my heart drop in my stomach , my eyes started itching from how i hard i am trying to squeeze them and not break down.

I directly went off the car , trying to calm myself , i gathered my courage again

"Why no one is saying anything , Why the hell we are here ? Please answer me . Where is Chase? What happened ?" I said on the verge of crying , the last sentence came out as a mere whisper.

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