Chapter 40 - The Last Dance

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Katherine's POV

We are all sitting waiting for Ashton to show up , we called him billion time but he wont answer , and no one know where he disappeared, i even called Alex maybe he saw him or anything but still no one have any clue.

With every moment i was growing more anxious and worried, thinking of all the bad things that may happen to him would make my heart drop in my stomach.

Suddenly a car's horn voice came from outside making us all jump in our seats , with no second thought we all rushed outside to check if it is Ashton , when i spotted him getting out of the car , relief rushed inside me , i don't know why i did this or what i was thinking but i directly ran and hugged him tightly , my hands went to his back and held his shirt tightly as i buried my face in his chest, "Thanks god you are okay." I mumbled in his chest, when i heard my voice i realized i am crying.

I can't explain what i am feeling now , i though he got hurt , i though i lost him the same way i lost Chase , and i don't want to , i don't want to lose him because he from all people made me feel things i though i would never feel again.

Ashton's hands went and hugged me back , i became even more relieved at his action because it proves he didn't know the truth yet or he wouldn't hug me back.His embrace was warm, and his big, strong arms seemed very protective when wrapped around my frail body. The world around me melted away as I squeezed him back, not wanting the moment to end.

"Ashton thanks god you are okay , where  have you been son ?" His grandma's voice made us pull apart , that i directly missed the warmness his hold was giving me.

"We were worried sick thinking something bad happened to you , why you weren't answering your phone ?" Zoe said inching closer looking at Ashton with a sad face.

"It was on silent , i didn't see it." He replied back.

"What happened ?" Zoe asked again probably still worried about her brother.

"Nothing." He said with a blank tone.

"What do you mean nothing , we saw what you did to the office." His grandma said her tone changing into an angry one.

"Just work problems." was all he said , not bothering to explain.

Wait , maybe this is related to the files i sent to Caleb.

Oh no !

"What are these work problems that make you this much angry, make you destroy everything in your way and then storm out leaving us worried thinking something bad happened to you." His grandma was shouting now , her voice raising with every word, "Why you are acting in such irresponsible way ?"

Ashton didn't say anything , he ran his hand in his already messy hair and it was obvious that he is trying to calm himself.

"Grandma please , not now , i am not in the mood for this now , we can talk this later." He said before walking inside.

We all followed , "Ash wait !" Zoe said running after him.

"Zoe please." He turned around looking at his sister , "I don't want to talk to anyone." His voice was low and calm , but i can see the way his eyes are holding too many emotions , the way his eyes weren't calm at all.

My eyes traveled to his right arm , it was bruised and dry blood was covering it , he probably hurt it by breaking all these stuffs in the office , my heart squeezed hard when i though of the possible things that made him do that , it is probably related to the files, it is because of me.

I can't believe how i am always hurting him , intentionally or not , still it is the same..

After that Ashton disappeared up the stairs , "This boy will be the end of me one day !" His grandma exclaimed before storming away too.

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