Chapter 15 - The Truth !

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Katherine's POV

I don't know how long i was sitting here, beside the desk , the picture in my hand , crying with non-stop , my heart aching like hell.

I looked at the picture one more time , trying to wipe away the tears by my thumb , i felt pain in my hand when i moved it , i looked and it was all covered with blood due to the glass that entered my skin, it is weird how i didn't feel the pain till now ,i tried to rub my hand removing the blood formed but i flinched directly , it hurts so much but not more than the hurt i am feeling in my chest.

Caleb cant see me like that , he may finish the meeting now , i have to get out of here and go to his office. I stood up , and looked at the picture in my hand then decided to take it with me , all the pictures i have with him are in the house we used to live in and no way in hell i'll enter that house once again , so i took the picture and putted it in my pocket.

Now I need a napkin to remove the blood from my hand or he will notice and he may think i tried to hurt myself or something . I hurried out of the office closing the door behind me , and went directly toward Caleb's office , when i was about to arrive, I collided with someone and stumbled back but he caught me before falling.

"Miss Katherine, are you okay !" It was the same worker who was talking with Caleb about the meeting , i forced a smile and nodded .
He looked at me for a moment, i think my eyes are red and puffy from crying , i hope he'll not going to ask.

"Are you going to Mr. Conner office ?" He asked and i nodded again .

"Oh can you put this file on his desk ? He asked about it yesterday.
I need to hurry and print some other papers before the meeting finish ." He said showing me the file.

"Sure" i said with a low voice and extended my hand to take it when i noticed it was the hand covered with blood. I directly extended my other hand hoping he didn't notice the blood , he directly gave me the file , mumbled a "Thanks" with a smile and hurried away.

Thanks god he didn't notice !

I entered Caleb's office , i went toward the desk to place the file and to remove the blood from my hand before he comes , but on my way , some pictures fell from the file , i knelt down to get them , but i wish i didn't ! 

Little did i know that this file am holding and these pictures will change my whole life !

Four picture ! There were four pictures , i hold them with my shaking hand looking closely , i squeezed my eyes maybe i am imagining things , they were picture of the accident , Chase's car collided with another one !
There was another one in the accident ! I though Chase collided with a tree , that what they've all said !!

I looked at all of them , taking every detail , but what scared me  more not the pictures themselves but the fact that Caleb have them and they were in this file which means it contains more.

I looked at the file in my hands, afraid to open it , afraid of what i may found inside.

I traced my shaking hand around it , i closed my eyes and took a deep breath before opening it .

Police reports ,lots of them , more pictures from the accident, other reports that i couldn't understand what they are , business deals , but they are not our company's deals , they are in some R&S company's name, pictures of a man i've never seen before , a lot of pictures taken without his notice ,it is like someone is stalking him and reporting every move , "Ashton Ryder", this name was mentioned in all of these papers...

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