Chapter 17 - First step

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Katherine's POV

"So he spilled his coffee on you ?" Caleb asked still processing what i've told him.

"Yeah !" I said while flipping the papers of the file i am holding.

"And then he gave you the job !" He exclaimed still not believing me.

"Yeah" I repeated with an irritated tone.

"Would you give me some respect and look at me while i am talking." Caleb said angrily, "Dammit !"

"I have to read these papers wiseass , i have to know more about the company , because i'll start from tomorrow." I said glaring at him for shouting.

"What if he discovered about this whole revenge thing ? Haven't you thought about this ?" He asked inching closer.

This guy is not going to drop this fùcking topic..

"If you let me finish reading these papers , then i'll be able to do this job correctly , and he will not discover." I said with a sigh.

He just punched the table so hard and stormed out of the room .

This guy will be the end of me one day . Cant he just trust me , i know what i am doing .

Ugh i cant leave him mad at me like that.

I went after him , he was standing in front of the big window in the living room looking out at the crowded streets of LA.

I went and stood beside him."Caleb." I said but he kept looking away lost in his thoughts.

"Caleb , come on !" I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

"It is just i am afraid okay ? I am afraid that you will end up hurt , it took you two years in order to be able to live a little bit normally and now this.." He said running his hand in his light brown hair, "This is just going to open old wounds."

"Also, what if ashton discovered about all this ? What if i wasn't able to save you this time ? I would never forgive myself then.." He said , his green eyes looking directly into mine holding emotions i didn't see since that day at Chase's funeral when i was going to hurt myself , his voice was so soft , he was so worried at me but I always shout at him and shut him down.

Ugh stupid me , i always say stupid things and push away the people that care about me , i don't know why ?

Maybe because i am afraid if they were so close i'll lose them too , and believe me i wont be able to handle it this time.

"..A-and what if i lost you like i
Lost him ?" He mumbled the last part and looked away and i can feel the hurt in his voice.

"You wont , i promise you , you wont lose me , we have to cooperate and do this together , and he will not notice , we will destroy him like you wanted." I said trying to convince him , "You are right , this will open old wounds , but every time i'll look at him i will just see what i've lost and this will give me more power and motivate me to continue this plan to let him pay."

"Trust me , please." I added but deep inside i was trying to trust myself as well.

"I trust you Katherine, and yeah we will do this together , but if anything happened to you i'll kill him without thinking twice about it." He said sternly.

"I'll help you with that too." I said , a smile crawled to my lips.

He smiled back and i was so glad that he wasn't mad at me anymore.

"So tell me again what is your plan exactly and how you are going to do it ?" He asked.

"Okay if we want to destroy him , we should start with his company , because apparently business ,money , and power are the only things that matters for him , so we should let him lose them ." I started , "And me being his personal assistance i'll have access to all the deals and agreements and i'll know his friends and his enemies in the business field , so we supply the enemies with what they want and we make his friend turn there back to him." I looked away imagining his face when he is going to lose everything.

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