A Very Important Announcement

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A Very Important Announcement

Next morning, the boys were waiting in the Transfiguration classroom for McGonagall, all tired and half asleep from the short night they'd pulled.

Charms had been a nightmare - Professor Flitwick had them up and moving about the whole time, learning shield charms, which involved shooting spells at one another and, if the shield wasn't good enough, getting knocked over repeatedly. Peter had left Charms rubbing his bum, complaining that he'd probably bruised it.

Sirius threw his legs up on the desktop now, leaning back in his chair so that it was only on its back two feet. "I could sleep right here and now," he announced.

"I wouldn't recommend it," came McGonagall's voice as she passed by him. "Feet on the floor!" she commanded, waving her wand and knocking his chair forward so he was forced to sit upright. She eyed him. "Tell me, Mr. Black, have you misplaced all of your school robes?"

Sirius shook his head, "No, Professor?"

"Then I recommend you wear them to classes," McGonagall said curtly. He was wearing a pair of jeans with rips in the knee and a Deep Purple t-shirt.

"Yes, Professor," Sirius said, sitting up. He glanced at James and breathed, "Blimey, she's got a bowtruckle in her bonnet today, 'ey?"

McGonagall went and stood in the front of the room, her eyes very hard on Sirius. "No, Mr. Black, it's not a bowtruckle I've got in my bonnet," her accent was sharp, "It's Professor Zosma informing me that two fifths of the Third Year Gryffindor class went missing during the Orionid viewing last night."

James flushed and lowered himself in his seat guiltily. "Oh bullocks," he murmured.

McGonagall's eyebrows quirked up as her focus shifted to James's red face. "I shall take that as your confession, Mr. Potter." She looked at Sirius, "Mr. Black, do we have something we might like to add to Mr. Potter's confession?"

"Double bullocks?" Sirius ventured.

McGonagall nodded, "I had a feeling. You'll both stay after class to discuss this unfortunate disappearance from class and your certain appearance in my office at a time to be determined."

"Yes, Professor," they chanted together.

James and Sirius looked miserable as Remus looked over his shoulder at them with a I told you sort of expression on his face. It was hard to feel much like it had been a mistake, though, even after McGonagall had given them detention for the following afternoon. After all, they might not have known anything was going on with Professor Veigler if it hadn't been for them sneaking off like that during the meteor shower. Sirius was stubborn not to apologize, and showed his rebellion by refusing to put his school robes on over his muggle clothes.

That afternoon at lunch, James was sitting just a few seats away from Lily Evans, who was sitting back-to the Gryffindor table, facing Ravenclaw behind them where Marlene McKinnon and Pandora Jenkins sat, discussing Xenophilius Lovegood. The display he'd put on at the Three Broomsticks that weekend was still hot on their minds, and apparently was the key bit of conversation going 'round in Ravenclaw. Lily was reassuring Pandora that the Gryffindors hadn't been talking as much about it. "I don't see why you're so worried about it anyway," Lily was saying as James was eavesdropping, "It's really nothing to be embarrassed about! I found it terribly romantic that he went and declared his feelings for you in such a public way. I mean, that takes guts! I still don't know how you've turned him down, I wouldn't have been able to."

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