The Artist at Work

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The Artist at Work

Sirius carried the Joker's Spellbook everywhere the next day, along with a stack of parchment that he was constantly scribbling on, thinking, making plans. Their professors thought him very studious, but really he was working on what he called "The Masterpiece". "The Masterpiece was only said in a very reverent, almost whispered tone, as though it had already gone down in history, which, he assured Frank Longbottom at lunch, it would.

While they were waiting for this history-making plot, Frank and the other fourth years decided to do a temporary prank by turning all the Slytherins' pumpkin juice into vinegar at breakfast that morning. "I couldn't wait," Frank whispered to the Marauders as the Slytherins burst into gags and chokes from across the room, "I had to do something! They ruined my slippers!"

"You and those slippers, mate," James said, "Imagine what you'd have done if it was your quidditch robes, blimey."

"Hopefully it'll be as bad as what you plan to do for your quidditch robes!" he said with a wink.

"Oh no," James shook his head, "The Masterpiece is entirely Sirius's pet project. I haven't had a thing to do with it. I don't even know what it is, honestly! He won't let anybody look at it."


Frank Longbottom laughed, "Well that sounds promising... But, yeah, be careful in your detention, the Slytherins might try and get you back then for the vinegar!"

James had grinned, "Bring it on."

Remus warily watched the way Sirius's eyes twinkled as he worked at it, torn between wanting to stop him from it and enjoying the way he looked, so boyish and excited and handsome... Sirius even brought the lot of parchment and books to the detention in Slughorn's classroom that night, carrying the stack of them right down the dungeon stairs as all the other Gryffindors went out onto the field. The anger he felt turning into the dungeons instead of the grounds was fuel on the fire that was the revengeful side of Sirius Black...

James stared longingly after them, hesitating at the top of the steps.

"Hurry up, Potter," Lily demanded, coming up behind him, "There's no use staring after them. Thanks to you and your stupid git friends, we aren't playing."

"I wasn't even in the room when the fight happened," James argued, "How is this in anyway my fault?"

"Making Severus bleat like a sheep!"

"Slughorn and I had worked out a detention after the match for me before we came back and he saw the mess you lot had done! This isn't my fault!" James said.

Lily shook her head, "If you hadn't started it, none of this would've happened and we would've been down on the pitch right now."

James glared at her, "Maybe Severus needs to cool his temper and learn how to take a joke!"

"Bullying him isn't a joke," Lily replied firmly.

James rolled his eyes. "Severus Snape is just as much a bully as we've been toward him. He strung Sirius up by his ankle that day in Divination, remember?"

"Because Sirius was picking on him."

"Because he was being a git to Remus," James said. "Sirius doesn't take people being gits to Remus lightly. Never has. That is what this is really about. Your precious bloody Severus Snape and his stupid git friends torturing Remus about being gay."

The Marauders: Year Three | #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now