Aconite Leaves

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Aconite Leaves

Remus passed Newt Scamander in the hall, just around the corridor from the Defense Against The Dark Arts classroom. Newt was staring down at his briefcase, which he held high against his chest, open only just ajar and talking to something that had a furry little paw sticking out. "Yes I know, I sholud've tried a bit harder to convince him, given what Nerimai said, but I've a feeling this may play out differently than we discussed -- I don't knoooww how it's going to turn out! I'm not a seer am I? I'm a magizoologist! It's very different, you know..." Newt was so engaged in the conversation he was holding, he didn't even notice Remus, who shrunk as close to the wall as he could get, silently watching Newt go by, turning the corner at the end, and disappearing toward the stairs.

Remus continued on his way, carrying his book. He arrived to the Defense classroom only a few moments later and knocked on the closed door. "One second," came a voice from inside. Remus waited... and waited. It took several long moments before Professor Veigler opened it up, his eyes high as though he expected an adult...then adjusting down (though only slightly, as Remus was by no means short for his age) to see Remus. "It's you," he said, surprised.

"I had some questions about the, uh, the homework," Remus answered, and he held up the parchment he'd been working on and the textbook. "If it's a bad time --" he noticed suddenly that the edges of Veigler's eyes were reddened. "Are you alright, Professor?"

"Come in, come in, don't be silly, of course now's a good time. I'm just fine. Come in, Remus." Professor Veigler stepped back and waved for Remus to step inside. He led the way across the room and up the short flight of steps to the little office above. Remus had never been up there before. The room's walls were coated with newspaper clippings."Would you like some tea while we go over the homework you've got questions on?"

"It isn't baneberry is it?" joked Remus.

"You've heard about that, then," Veigler said.

"Sirius is my best friend, and he's got the biggest mouth in the entire school," Remus said as a reply.

Veigler chuckled, "What was I thinking. And no, it's not banesberry." He went to a stout cupboard and rummaged about for a moment. "It's getting on in the month... you must be feeling the same way I am," he murmured. Remus shifted uneasily at this statement. "I have a trick for it, if you'd like to give it a go?"

Remus raised his eyebrow, "A trick for it?"

"For the aches..." Professor Veigler replied. "Here, you sit, I'll brew it up." He smiled amiably. "I'm very sorry about the classes this month, I'm sure they've made you uncomfortable. Is that what this is about?"

Remus shook his head, "No, I actually... I... I mean, yeah, it's pretty odd studying how it is to go about... you know, killing myself... but..." he shrugged.

"It isn't you I intend these lessons to kill."

"It's Greyback you're preparing us for," Remus said. "Or them, rather. The lessons won't do me much good. After all, as Evans asked, when would I ever use the information?"

Veigler chuckled.

Remus said, "But being an absolute nerd and really stupid about academia and learning and all of that, I'm actually doing the homework."

"I honestly expected a smart alec response," Professor Veigler admitted, smirking at Remus over his shoulder from the table where he was pouring hot water into the two tea cups he'd set out. "I know I would've done."

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