Don't Be So Blue

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Don't Be So Blue

Nobody could figure out what was causing it. People all over the school were turning blue. Their hair, their hands, their tongues, their faces, and some unlucky ones were blue head-to-toe after taking showers. Students wandered the corridors the same hue as if they were Smurfs. Classes were cancelled as the Professors tried to work out exactly what had happened and all the students were ushered into the Great Hall to sit divided into their Houses to clear the school for a proper search for the origin of the mysterious color.

"Lily looks quite lovely all blue, doesn't she?" asked James, who had washed his hands so he wouldn't stand out, but refused to allow his hair to go blue, afraid it might not turn back. He was sitting on the bench, looking at Evans down the table. Lily had washed her face and hands before she'd realized what was going on and the result was a blue face with her usual pink ears and long red hair.

Peter's usually blonde hair was ultramarine, as was Remus and Sirius's - all three had taken full showers to avoid detection.

"Notice Snape's not blue at all," Peter pointed out across the hall.

"Of course he isn't," Sirius said, "Snivellus never showers."

Remus shook his head, looking up at the ceiling. "It was a nice touch - that banner," he said, to change the topic from Severus Snape.

Sirius grinned, "Why thank you."

After setting the spell to make all of the water turn people's skin blue on contact on the pipes of Hogwarts, the boys had gone back to bed - except Sirius, who hadn't been able to sleep with his excitement at the brilliant prank they'd set, and he'd snuck through the school with James's invisibility cloak to set a banner up in the rafters over the faculty table. It simply said -- DON'T BE SO BLUE in exactly the same shade of ultramarine as everyone in the school was turning.

There was a good deal of talk and laughter in the Great Hall, though, marking the boys' work as a success. Sirius grinned around, taking in the looks on people's faces as they teased one another and took wizarding photographs to commemorate the day they all had turned blue. A couple of the more stuck-up girls were panicking or sobbing - like Annalee McKinnon down the bench, for starters, which honestly was just as hilarious as the students who were sitting about making jokes about being Grindylows and Dragons. Sirius felt a good deal of pride at the noise that filled the Great Hall.

"This is going to be legendary," he said to the other three, "The story of this will be passed down generations of Hogwarts students."

And then the most legendary thing of all happened.

"Oh Merlin's beard! Look at that." Remus covered his mouth in shock.

They all looked up at the front of the room, where Remus was looking with wide eyes. Dumbledore had come and he was standing up at the podium at the front of the room, completely blue. He'd even gotten festive with it and donned blue robes for the occasion. Even his beard was blue! And there he stood at the gold podium, directly beneath the banner Sirius had hung, a big grin of amusement on his face.

"Well, well, well," Dumbledore said, voice magically magnified throughout the Great Hall, making everyone turn to look at him. Several loud shrieks of laughter and guffaws and a good deal of chuckling vibrated through the Hall.

"We've turned the Headmaster blue," hissed Peter.

"Blimey I wish McGonagall were here," whispered Sirius, "I'd do anything to see her turned blue."

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