Remus's Birthday Party

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Remus's Birthday Party

After Quidditch practice that evening, James and Sirius insisted that Remus and Peter follow them up to the Gryffindor common room in order to change for dinner. "Couldn't we just meet you in the Great Hall?" asked Peter, looking at the stairs and thinking how very far off it was for them all to go just for the sake of keeping the other two company, but James and Sirius persisted and they went on up to the common room.

James crawled through first and looked over his shoulder with a grin on his face, then continued through, followed by Sirius, then Peter, and finally Remus. The moment Remus stepped through the portrait hole, there was a spectacular shout - "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" - and he jumped backwards, surprised to find that the whole of Gryffindor was out in the common room, and there was a delicious assortment of food and drinks and a giant cake on the table where he usually studied with Lily. There were streamers hanging about and a big sign magicked by James late at night the night before that was strung up on the wall with a sticking charm. It was the biggest deal that had ever been made of Remus, and he felt his cheeks flush, overwhelmed by everything that was happening.

"Surprise, mate!" Sirius cried, slapping his arm over Remus's shoulders, "Are you shocked?"

"Two-hundred and forty volts," he replied, blinking in disbelief.

Sirius looked positively ecstatic, "Good!"

The party was brilliant. The House Elves had spared no time or talent to creating the private feast for the Gryffindors and they ate like kings, the whole house. People kept coming over and congratulating Remus on turning fourteen and wishing him many more birthdays to come. Remus thanks them all profusely, positively knocked down by how much attention and love he was getting. Some of it was because of the food (this was obvious when one of the seventh years had no idea who "Ree-moose Loopine" was, even as he scoffed down his second helping of cake), but really it wasn't about all the other people anyway - it was about the work that the other three Marauders had put into pulling it off, and Remus felt truly wanted for the first time in his life.

Later in the evening, he sat on the stairs, watching everybody mill about and talk, reflecting on this feeling. He was seated part in shadow, a piece of cake on a plate balanced on his lap, and the silver and gold party hat sort of tilted on his head. It had easily been the most brilliant day of his entire life.

Then Sirius came over, bounding up the stairs and sat down on the step beside him. "Hey," Sirius said, smiling as he leaned back so that he was sort of laying across the stairs, his legs sprawled a couple down and his elbows resting on the one behind them. "Are you having a good time, mate?"

Remus swallowed the bit of cake he'd just put in his mouth, nodding, "Yeah. I can't believe you lot did this."

"James did most of it, honestly, since you and I were out in the Shack and Peter was at home," Sirius confessed, "He said the house elves were a huge help. Tizzy's brother works in the kitchens. Did you know?"

"I didn't know Tizzy had a brother," Remus said. "Actually, I didn't know house elves in general could have brothers and sisters. I reckon it only makes sense that they do... seeing as they don't spontaneously combust from thin air or anything... I just never really thought on it before, I s'pose."

Sirius laughed, "I never really had, either. I hope Kreacher doesn't have any family. One is more than enough of him." He shuddered.

Remus smiled and stared at the cake-smeared platter on his knees, unsure what to say.

"We've got a present for you up in the dorm," Sirius added.

"You didn't have to do that," Remus replied, "This is more than enough." He waved at the party.

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