The Key Purveyor of Magical Mischief-Making

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The Key Purveyor of Magical Mischief-Making

"Alright. The third floor turns slightly slower than the fifth. So in order to time it just right - we must hit the fifth floor landing at the very last possible moment before it disconnects from the fourth floor landing or else we'll miss the third floor." Sirius said. He stood poised at the top of the seventh floor landing for the moving staircases. "If we time it that way, we'll catch the third floor just in time to go straight on to the second and we'll be perfect from there because the first floor will be turning to the Defense wing by the time we reach it. Now we just need to hope nobody gets on the staircase 'til we're done or else it'll be like bocce."

James nodded, "Candlestick bowling." He laughed and clutched the rope they'd tried 'round the front of the thin mattress they'd stolen from one of the cots in the lobby of the hospital wing.

Sirius ran and got on the mattress behind James and clutched his shoulders. "Ready?" he asked, straining to peer down at the fifth floor to see the moving staircases's progression.

"Ready," James nodded. He pulled the quidditch goggles that sat on his head down over his eyes.

"Set?" Sirius asked.

James's fists tightened on the rope.


They plunged forward, thumping along the first couple steps then the mattress picked up speed and James pulled on the rope a bit tighter, creating a smoother ride and they swept down the staircases. "WHOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO!" Sirius screamed excitedly as the wind rushed through his long hair and James laughed loudly. "IT'S WORRRRRRKKKKIIIIIINNNNNNG!" Sirius's voice was a blur as they soared down the seventh and sixth floors, caught the fifth floor exactly as he'd said and James tugged the rope to put a spin on their progression down the fourth to catch the edge of the third floor as they'd planned... it turned and they zipped down two and one and swoosh right down the Defense corridor, just as Sirius had suspected, coming to a skidding stop as James lowered the rope to create friction on the carpet, right at the foot of one of the silver suits of armor.

The armor was bellowing out Voldy the Snowman, another of Sirius's classic Christmas carols.

Sirius jumped up, knees a bit gelatinous from the thrill of the ride and stumbled, laughing loudly, "Oh bloody hell that was absolutely brilliant!" he hooted. "I like sledding."

James grabbed the rope and jumped up from the mattress, too. "Let's give it another go."

"YES!" Sirius cried, "A THOUSAND TIMES YES!" They dragged the mattress back to the staircases and ran back up them, the mattress thumping along on the steps behind. They passed a couple Hufflepuff girls that looked at the mattress suspiciously as the two boys ran between them, but they decided it was best not to ask and continued on their way quickly, ignoring James and Sirius.

"Marauders, Marauders! What is the Marauders of Hogwarts up to todaaaay?" sang Peeves, coming zooming up from the fifth floor corridor as they passed.

"We're up to no good, Peeves!" Sirius replied enthusiastically.

"Yeah, Peeves, no good," James agreed.

Peeves flipped so he hung upside down, grinning and eyes glistening with glee. "But do you solemnly swears it?"

"Peeves, we solemnly swear we are up to no good!" James said, nodding.

"VERY WELL!" Peeves did several loops around the whole staircase quite quickly, "Then this action is approved by Peevesy! Potter and Black, Blackier and Pottier - Not sure which one's naughtier!" He sang, cackling and clapping, "Up to something in the corridor - not sure which one's horribler!"

The Marauders: Year Three | #Wattys2016Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat