Chapter 2

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Hey guys this is chapter 2 of we'll meet again. Sorry for taking so long to post. I try to post every week . So I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Bruce's POV

I woke up when my alarm began to ring. Quickly shutting it off, I got changed and made my way downstairs for breakfast. Once I arrived in the dining room Alfred set a plate with bacon and an omelet in front of me. "How about you go wake up Mistress Selina before beginning your meal." Alfred said in his normal stiff way. I sighed, I had forgotten that I let a cat burglar sleep in Wayne Manor. Why did I do it again? Right, she was in need, or was it the fact that she was very pretty. What! Wait! No it was because she was poor, no other reason. I may be called a playboy by the media but I'm not, in anyway. Once I reached the door, I quietly opened it and peeked inside. On the bed was a sleeping girl, a girl named Selina Kyle, a burglar, but also a beauty. Sun streamed from the window making Selina's midnight black hair shine. I slowly walked into the room and nudged Selina's arm. Slowly but surely Selina Kyle opened her emerald green eyes. "Morning Sleeping Beauty," I teased. Selina grinned at my words and moved ever so slowly out of the bed. It was almost as if she wanted me to do some naughty things. "Hello, my dashing prince," Selina replied with lust in her voice. I sighed and looked at Selina before remembering why I came up here in the first place. "Come on it's time for breakfast," I say quickly before exiting the room. I chided myself as I walked back to the dining room. I shouldn't be thinking the way I am. I have better things to do then spend it with a burglar. I should be focused on finding my parents killer. Focused on becoming a better fighter so people in Gotham don't have to deal with what I did. When I reached the dining room, I began to eat. I know that I can't think about girls. Selina Kyle is only an acquaintance and friend in need. I have no time for love. No time to care for people like her.

Thanks for reading everyone. Sorry for the short chapter. But the shorter the chapters the more Selina and Bruce you get to read. If you have any suggestions please comment. Add my story to your library and follow me! Thanks guys! See you next time!

P.S. This chapter is dedicated to  !!!!!!!!!!!Stay crazy harls!!!!!!!!!!

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