Chapter 7

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Another time skip I'm sorry for them, but I wanted their date to happen as soon as possible. This takes place a day after chapter 6. Here's the next chapter. Enjoy....

Selina's POV

It's been a little over a week since I talked to Black Mask. I still haven't made any progress on my mission. I can't harm Bruce, he means to much to me. At first I was faking my feelings, but now they are real. He makes me feel like I'm the only important one in the world. He makes me feel indescribable words. I still need to bring him to Mask, for my sake. I don't know what Mask needs Wayne for anyway. My job is to retrieve him, nothing else. Mask and his men have been tracking me ever since my father died. Mask was the one who killed my mother and if I don't help him I'll be lying in a grave beside my mom. But, right now I need to focus on the task at hand. My very first date. With one ever so handsome boy, Bruce Wayne. I exited my room wearing a borrowed black dress and diamond necklace. I walked down the stairs, looking for Bruce. When my eyes finally landed on him my heart throbbed. He was wearing a pristine, black tux and his hair was slicked back. He is any girl's dream boy and he asked me to go out with him. Bruce began to smile as I reached the bottom of the stairs. "Ready to go? Alfred has the limousine prepared outside. Plus, I have reservations at this new dinner place. It's supposed to have very delectable food," Bruce said. I nodded and he took my arm as we walked outside. Alfred stood beside the limo holding the back seat door open. Bruce allowed me to go inside first and I did with a grin on my face. He's rich, kind, and a gentleman , what else could a girl ask for. As we drove to the restaurant neither of us talked. That as until Bruce broke the silence, "I think you look amazing Selina."

I grinned, "Thank you Bruce you look very dashing tonight." Bruce responded by grabbing my hand and squeezing it comfortingly. After a few minutes the limo pulled to a stop in front of a new restaurant. Instead of opening the door Bruce unbuckled his seat belt and waited patiently. I was about to ask what he was waiting for when the door opened. Right, the butler. Bruce moved out of the car and offered a hand to me. I took it a climbed out of the car. Together we walked up to the restaurant and were seated in mere seconds. I guess those were the perks of being one of the wealthiest kids in Gotham. Wait, wealthiest kid in Gotham, Mask wanted the Wayne fortune. I frowned, I'm being used for money! "Hey are you alright Selina if your not feeling well we can always reschedule," Bruce asked worriedly. I put a fake smile on my face, I forgot that I was on a date for a minute. "I'm fine just need to go to the....uh...bathroom," I said as I stood and hurried quickly to the restroom. Once inside I heaved a breath, I was this close to revealing my true motives to Bruce Wayne. I was this close to reserving a tombstone with my name on it. A toilet bowl flushed and a blonde girl walked out of a stall. The girl began to hum loudly ignoring Selina entirely. "Hi!!! I'm Harleen Quinzel. Are you alright you look like you were run over by a truck. I can help, I'm studying to become a psychiatrist," the blonde girl said suddenly.

I hissed, "What's it to you suddenly your worried about my problems." Harleen frowned and began to scan me. She grins, "Well you look like you could use a friend, call me Harls, all my friends do."

"You just met me, I doubt were friends," I murmured.

"Your right about that, but you seem to be having boy troubles. I feel you sister I still haven't found my puddin'. But, who needs boys, there are a lot more things you can do for fun," Harls replied. I sighed, not sure if I should trust this girl. She did seems nice, maybe she can help me out. "Promise not to call the police if I tell you this?" I ask her. She nods, almost to enthusiastically. "A gang leader is trying to kill me unless I kidnap Bruce Wayne, who I am currently on a date with and I have a huge crush on even though I'm not supposed to, I kissed him too and I really enjoyed it, I don't know what to do," I blurt out to the blonde stranger.

"Wow that's a big problem girlie. I follow your heart and....your head they always know what to do. At least, for me they do," Harls replies simply.

"I doubt that'll work for me than. You make it sound simpler than it really is. Thanks for the advice, I guess. I'm Selina Kyle by the way," I respond.

Harls smiles and begins to exit the bathroom, "It was nice to meet you, good luck and all, Bye!!!" Once the door shuts I sigh. I lean against the wall while I think about my new friend and her odd advice. In the end, will my heart or my head save Bruce's and my own life?

Alright guys so this chapter had an special appearance from Harley Quinn. I hope you enjoy this chapter. This chapter is dedicated to 

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