Chapter 11

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This chapter is dedicated to MoonWolf2002 Hey guys this is the second to last chapter of this story. Sniff, I'm not crying. Without further ado chapter 11

Bruce's POV
When I woke up I realized that Selina wasn't beside me. I'm still in her room, but something's changed. The room seems empty. I  slowly climb out of bed and bang my knee into the side table. I curse and look at the table before examining my knee. On the table is a note with my name scribbled on the top. I grab it and begin to read it, hoping that it can explain the whereabouts of Selina Kyle.

Dear Bruce,
I have decided to leave Gotham City. You'll be safer without me here. Black Mask is still after you so please be safe. Don't try to look for me Bruce, you won't find me. By the time you read this I have already disappeared. I will always love you Bruce, I won't ever forget my Tiger. We'll meet again, don't you worry                                                                                                              Love, Selina Kyle

I drop the note and bury my head into my hands. It's my fault Selina had to leave. If I didn't ask her out she wouldn't have to refuse to complete her mission. She would've been safe and happy. Now, she's gone and there isn't anything I can do about it. I wipe the tears that had begun to form from my eyes. I stood and walked out of Selina's former room. As I made my way down the stairs I saw Alfred standing at the bottom of the staircase. "Master Wayne it is good to see that you are awake. Where is Mistress Selina? Breakfast is prepared and is currently on the table." Alfred said as if nothing was wrong. I ignore Alfred and continue walking to the gym. When I arrive I begin to punch and kick at the thin air in complete frustration. I slowly stopped and breathed a large breath. I sat down on the floor and thought about what had happened. Selina left because I wasn't able to save her. I wasn't able to keep her from putting a bounty on her own head. Just like how I couldn't stop my parents death. I couldn't stop Selina from leaving. I yelled at the top of my lungs in complete anger. What is wrong with me. I was more than capable of saving my parents. I am still more than capable of saving Selina. But, I didn't show any of that capability. I stood there while they slipped from my grasp. Not anymore. I have to focus on preventing people from turning out like me. I have to focus on training, not loving. I can't become a part of another family. I won't. Not after today. I'm sorry Mom and Dad. I'm sorry Selina. I'm sorry for letting you down. I won't do that with anymore people. I won't let anyone suffer like I have. I will protect Gotham even if it kills me.

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