Chapter 5

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Alright guys I know I haven't updated a lot. I have been really busy with school and play practice. Now my play is over and I am soooo sorry. Well I'll try to update more often. But, no promises. Anyway this is the next chapter.

Selina's POV
I'm sitting in Bruce's car as Alfred drives to my hell-hole of a home. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing anymore. The way I feel about Bruce isn't just a facade, it's real. "I live right here Alfred you can stop now," I said. Alfred slowed the car, "I'll wait here while you pack your possessions Mistress Selina." I grin as I open the car door and walk into the ratty old apartment complex. When I reach my apartment I notice the door is busted down, not surprised I walk right in. Standing there is Black Mask with his goons surrounding him. I sigh, "What are you doing here I told you last night I need more time." Black Mask slowly strides over to me as he fiddles with his guns. "And I told you I need the money now or your as good as dead. Your father never took this long to do anything," he said. My father was idiotic and moronic, I hate being compared to him, it's his fault mom is dead and I have to work for a gang leader. "You either give me the time I need or your not going to get what you want," I replied.

He grins, "What makes you think you can negotiate little girl. I could kill you right now and no one would care,"

"Well......Bruce Wayne know I think he has a few connections with the police...I doubt he wouldn't worry when his new house guest doesn't return home with his butler, who happens to be waiting outside ever so patiently. The choice is up to you Mask you could always give me a larger time frame." I say knowing that I won. Black Mask grimaces not saying a word he walks out of the room followed by his goons. I smirk as I grab a bag that lay on the floor to pack up. As I pack I think about the plan I must follow. Get him, give him to the boss, freedom,get him, give him to the boss, freedom,it became a mantra in my head. I know what I have to do, even though I really don't want to. As I finish packing I look around the dirty, damp apartment. What has my life become? I don't even know who I am anymore. I'm a burglar, not a kidnapper. But, somehow I'm about to become both.

Bruce's POV I sit in the library alone as I wait for the return of Selina and Alfred. There's something about her that gives me chills. Alfred may say it's a crush, but I believe she's hiding something. Almost every word that comes from her mouth is a lie. If this girl is trying to do something to Alfred or myself, she will fail. I'm not letting anyone else take my family away from me.

Alright so it has been so long since I wrote that my writing skills have diminished. I apologize for my terrible writing and for not updating. This week there will be more frequent updates considering it is spring break for me. So hopefully I will update tomorrow. No promises though. Please comment and follow me. And check out my Roleplay we need more members!!!! Bye!!!!!

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