Chapter 13

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“WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!” Rang in the ears of everybody in my hotel room the next morning. Louis and Eleanor proceeded to jump onto Liam and Danielle, while Niall and Zayn attacked me. 

“Dammit you guys! What the hell is your problem?!” I swore to them. Niall playfully slapped my mouth while Zayn started yelling some more. “Wait, let me guess. You want food, so your waking all of us up. And you need me to go and wake up Harry because if any of you do it yourselves you’ll get murdered.” 

“Yeah, pretty much.” Niall said, pulling me out of bed and through the connector room to wake up Harry, who was room with Niall and Zayn. I ran into the room and jumped on his bed.

“WHAT THE FU- oh, hey Katie.” he started as shouting, but then stopped when he saw me. 

“The boys sent me because they want food.” I said to him, kissing his forehead after moving all of the curls out of the way. “And so do I now, get up.” I ordered to him, walking back through the connector to get to my room. I grabbed my clothes and went into the open bathroom and threw on my shorts and t shirt inside so that the next one of us could get in. Danielle claimed it next before Liam could and he cam over and sat next to me as I detangled my hair out. 

“You should have brushed it first...” he said to me yawning as he put an arm around my shoulder and kissed my forehead. 

“To lazy.” I mumbled as I felt him finish up the last bits of it. “What are we doing today?” I asked him. 

“Well, Danielle and I are going shopping, i believe its going to be someone’s birthday in a couple of months.” he said to me. Oh yeah. We’re in July right now. That means August is next. After that its September, then October. Then November, and in November is the 21st.

“What day is it again? November 21st?” Danielle asked me. I nodded. “Excellent.” she said, getting up shouting Eleanor’s name. I wanted to get up and follow her, until Liam pulled me back. 

“She won’t be planning anything to horrible, don’t worry. Thats my job.” He said to me. 

“No! No big party! Its a long ways away yet!” I said to him. 

“NO PROMISES!” I heard Eleanor call from the other room. I groaned as I leaned back onto my bed. I then heard more yelling coming from the direction of Harry’s room and shot up to go see what the problem was. Niall and Zayn were jumping on his bed, whacking him with pillows because he was still sleeping. 

“But i’m tired!” Harry groaned to them as they shouted. I moved them out of my way and sat on him. “Get off me!” He shouted, sitting up before realizing it was me. “Hey love....” he said softly, realizing he was gonna get it.

“I’m gonna give you ten seconds to get out of bed.” I said to him.

“But-” he started.

“Nine.” I cut him off.













“OKAY FINE!” he said, getting up, fully clothed thankfully, and trudging to the bathroom. I smirked in victory, and he came out in ten minutes. “Your so lucky your my girlfriend.” he said to me as he leaned down and kissed my lips for a short second. 

“Lets go meet everybody else, I want my food.” I said, taking his hand and dragging him  to where everyone else was. After loads of complaining, we followed them outside and to the breakfast buffet. I took a plate of pancakes, eggs and bacon and sat down next to Liam, Harry coming back shortly after to sit near me. Niall was the last one to sit down, having grabbed two plate fulls.

“Really mate?” Louis asked. Niall looked up from his plate slowly, giving Louis a dirty look with his food hanging out. I acted quick and snapped a picture of him like that. I finished up my food before anyone else did, so I went back up into the room to wait. 

“Why are you by yourself?” Harry’s voice came from behind me as I was looking out of the window. I shrugged my shoulders and he came over to me and brought me close to him as he wrapped his arms around my body. “Whats on your mind?” he asked me. 

“Nothing, i’m fine. Honestly.” I said to him, turning around to face him. I could tell that he wasn’t convinced. I leaned up to him and kissed him softly. “Don’t worry about me.” I said to him. He sighed but nodded as he kissed me again, this time longer and much more loving than the one from before. 

“PDA ALERT.” Niall shouted as he walked into the room. I rolled my eyes and kissed Harry one more time before everyone else piled in. 

“Ready to go?” Harry asked me. I nodded. “Guys, we’re gonna go around the city for a bit. We’ll have Paul with us.” Harry said to them.

“Bring her back in one piece, Harry.” Liam called. He rolled his eyes at Liam and we left for our day in L.A.


sorry for the short little chapter. i'm not feeling well today, but i knew i had to post something for you guys so i did. here you go, sorry its short and cruddy and such. btw, i made a fan page on Facebook, so i can talk to you guys easier. plus i'm always on, so yeah :p check the extrenal link on the side to see it!

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