Chapter 21

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“I hate moving!” I complained to Liam. He laughed at me from the hallway while coming into my new bedroom at the flat two down from my previous flat. 

“We only went two flats down, Katie.” he said back to me. 

“I don’t care, I still hate it. I don’t have enough muscle to do this.” I said to him. 

It had been three weeks since the adoption, and Liam and I were busy now moving our things into our new flat. He ended up buying one that was only two over from the previous one, much to my pleasure so I could visit the boys and hang out with them. Danielle wasn’t moving in with us until a couple more days, but she was going to gradually bring over some of her things, which Liam was going to do after we finished moving our stuff.

“This is the last box.” Harry said, putting down another box on the floor of my room. I let out a sigh of relief and collapsed on my bed. “Hey, now you have to unpack it.” he said, coming over to sit next to me. I groaned.

“I’m sleeping first.” I said to him.

“You have to go through the boxes to get the blankets and sheets anyways.” Harry said like a smart ass. “Unless you want to sleep cold, which I don’t think you do.” 

“Shut up.” I snapped back to him, sitting up. He put his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek softly. “Not here...” I said to him. He rolled his eyes as he put his lips to mine and kissed me. 

“He went to go pick up Danielle though....” Harry complained. I rolled my eyes as he kissed me again. We hadn’t had much time to ourselves the past couple of weeks, so it made sense that right now he would be all over me as soon as Liam left. 

“If any of the other guys come in....” I started, but not for long because he kissed me again. He sat me up comfortably on the bed and came over really close next to me, putting one of his hands on my hips and putting the other through my hair. He continued to kiss me just like that for a couple of minutes, but then started to go deeper and deeper into it to the point where he was laying on top of me and running his hands over my body. 

We hadn’t done anything like this before, he was always so careful with me, even more so since i got out of the hospital. The way he was acting surprised me, but I went along with it. As long as he didn’t do anything to serious, I was alright. 

He pressed himself against my body carefully, in fear that he would hurt me in some way. I reached up to his hair and tangled my fingers into it. 

“I love you, you know that?” he said. I nodded. “Good.” he mumbled before he kissed me again. He started to move one of his hands towards the hem of my jeans, and for some reason, I didn’t argue or try to stop him in any way. I just let him go. He quickly undid my button of my jeans and unzipped them, but did not pull them down. He just slid his hand inside of them, but he didn’t do anything but press his fingers into my thigh. 

Just as it felt like he was going to do more, the front door opened. Harry jumped back and I sat up straight, zipping up my jeans as Harry went over to a random box and tried to look through it. I got up and went to try and sort through a box. 

“Its to quiet up here.” Danielle said as she walked by. 

“We’re concentrating on trying to find her sheets and blankets. I found them!” Harry said. I was quiet as Danielle replied something back to them and as Liam walked by. I discovered that she had left because now Harry had his arms back around my waist. “Sorry...” he said in my ear. I shrugged my shoulders as he kissed my cheek softly. 

“Not that big of a deal...” I said softly. I got up and went over to the blankets and sheets Harry found to start making my bed. He went over to the corner of the room and watched my every move as I worked. As soon as I finished I laid down on my bed, exhausted and tired as hell. I heard Harry coming over to sit next to me. 

“Tired?” he asked. I nodded. “Have you eaten?” I shook my head back to him. “Lets go get something then. When we come back home you can sleep.” he said. I nodded as I got up, just to be right in his face. I leaned up and pecked his lips but snuck away quickly to snag my phone. 

“I’ll meet you down there.” I said to him. He nodded as I walked down to Liam’s room to see them just unpacking things. He looked up at me as I walked in. “Harry and I are going to get something to eat, since I barely ate all day.” I said to him. 

“Alright, make sure your phones on.” He said to me. I nodded as I left them and went downstairs to meet Harry. I simply just nodded at Harry when I got down there and he took me by the waist and we walked out. 

“Nandos?” Harry asked me. I giggled and nodded to him. “You’re so cute when you giggle.” he said to me as he started driving.

“Thats good to know.” I said to him, giggling some more after. 

“Yeah, sometimes your nose scrunches up and its so cute, and when you try to cover your face is cute too.” he said. 

“I do not try to cover my face!” I said, laughing. 

“Your doing it now!” he said, Thats when I noticed that I do put my hands over my face when I laugh and giggle. “Your nose is even scrunching up!” he said happily. He stopped at a red light and leaned over to kiss my lips quickly. “I love you.” he said to me. 

“I love you too.” 


would you get mad at me if i hurt liam? i have a good idea so i can stretch out the ending a couple of more chapters :p 

thanks for all the nice comments i've been getting. 

keep an eye out for Week 2 of the 1D Watty Awards, i made it to the next round!

Daughter DirectionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora