Chapter 3

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Once dinner finished i said goodbye to Karen, Ruth, and Nicola for they were going back to Wolverhampton because tomorrow was Monday and they had school and work.  On the way back, Louis took the liberty of driving us, Harry sitting in the passenger. I sat closest to the window, Eleanor sitting next to me, Zayn next to her. Across from us sat Niall, Danielle, and Liam. I was very tired from everything that had went on today, and I was tired a lot in general too.

“Aw, ickle Katie-kins is falling asweep.” Louis cooed from the front seat as I rested my head on the side in my arms. I lifted my head and turned to look at him as best as I could.

“Shut up Lou.” I said to him as I rested my head back down. Liam told the other guys that he thinks it should be an early night so that I can get sleep to get up tomorrow morning. Did that mean that it was going to be an early morning tomorrow? It was a quick ride back, it seemed much shorter now. Liam helped me get up and lead me out and into the flat, after he said bye to Danielle who was leaving, who ignored me.

When I got inside I discovered that everybody had retreated to their rooms, except for Louis and Eleanor who were in the kitchen. Liam led me back up the stairs and to my room, for now until I got used to the flat. He told me that I had my own personal bathroom, that was fully stocked thanks to Ruth and Nicola. He left me by myself to get ready to sleep. I looked through the drawers of my dresser to find my pajamas, eventually. 

My bathroom matched my bedroom. The walls were painted purple, and it had a black and white theme to it, with a zebra shower curtain. I looked through what I had to take a shower. Shampoo, conditioner, body wash.. everything I needed was supplied. I still continued to look around, and I found that everything matched the theme. I rolled my eyes, knowing that this was pure Payne family to do this. 

Once my hair was washed and I was out of the shower, and went through drawers some more to find the brush that had been supplied. I also found a comb that I could use it to try and get my hair brushed a little bit. When that failed, I ripped my brush through the hair, not caring what would come of it. I needed it to be cut, its almost at my waist and its annoying. I would ask Liam about it when I got downstairs. I put on my new pajamas and tied my hair up on my head to go back down stairs. I followed the noise to get downstairs.

When I reached the living room, I could see Louis and Eleanor sitting on the couch together. Next to them was Harry and Niall, using each other as leg rests. Zayn was sitting next to Liam, and there was a spot next to Liam for me to sit. I walked across the room and took the seat next to Liam, and found that they were watching X Factor auditions. Liam picked up the blanket that as balled up on the floor and wrapped the two of us in it.

“So, what’s on the agenda for tomorrow lads?” Niall asked as he chewed on some pop corn once he asked. Everybody shrugged their shoulders and looked at Liam. 

“I’m getting Katie settled in tomorrow, don’t look at me.” He said to them. The rest of them groaned and started to go off in their own conversations on what to do tomorrow. I heard Eleanor say she had to work tomorrow, then thats when Louis started whining, resulting in Harry saying that he would do something with him tomorrow to make him shut up. Then Niall told Zayn that they were gonna do something too so they’re not sitting around all day doing nothing. 

I started to doze off on Liam’s shoulder as they started talking about X Factor and Simon Cowell, even though he wasn’t even on the show anymore. The conversation was about something that Simon was making them do next week, as Liam protested and said that they should cancel some events for next week.

“If you want to deal with Simon, go ahead, but I don’t. Remember last time we had to cancel something?” Louis asked. Liam had a puzzled look on his face. 

“When have we canceled something?” he asked Louis. 

“Exactly my point. We’ve never had to cancel anything before. If you want to deal with Simon and go and cancel our first event, be my guest, but i’m staying far away from him mate.” Louis said. 

“What’s so bad about Simon again?” I asked. Heads turned to me and eyes went wide as they all looked at me. None of them wanted to speak, but Harry was the one who did.

“Simon’s not a bad guy, really. He’s nice and all that to us, we owe him everything because without him we wouldn’t even be a group, and we wouldn’t know each other and be friends. But whatever he says, goes. Cher Lloyd is also his artist and she canceled some of her shows and events and he nearly kicked her off the label. Once he found out she had a valid reason for wanting to cancel, he was okay. Liam just wants to cancel to get you adjusted to things, and I don’t blame him, but it’s a bad idea because its not entirely valid. None of us will approach him with this, as it is he thinks taking you in was a bad idea, but Liam didn’t want to hear of it and neither did all of us. So we’ve been staying our distance from him because he’s still mad at us.” Harry explained to me. 

“Oh.” I said. Basically, Simon Cowell, was mad at my new guardian for taking me in, because of what happened to me and my family. That’s just great, its all my fault.

“None of it’s your fault, honestly. He’ll get over it. I regret nothing of what I did for you.” Liam said to me. I smiled at him and we hugged each other. 

“I think i’m going to go upstairs, i’m getting kind of tired.” I said to them. Harry said he was getting tired too and that he would come up with me. Liam shot him a dirty look as we walked up the stairs. I forgot that Harry was down in my end of the hallway, along with Niall. We were quiet as we walked, until we reached my door way.

“Katie, wait.” He said to me. I turned around to look at him and saw that he was in his doorway too. His room was messy, he had stuff all over the floors and everything. “Since Liam has a couple of things to do next week himself, I was thinking maybe on one of my free days I can show you around London? You know, if you want.” he said to me. 

“Yeah, that would be nice. I’d like that.” I said to him, smiling. He smiled back at me and said good night to me. I went into my room and shut the door, turning on the light. I hadn’t had much of a look around here, either. 

The walls were painted pale blue, and the bed headboard was white so it matched perfectly. My sheets had zebra and cheetah black and white print on it. On the desk next to my bed was were two computers, a MacBook pro and a Mac Desktop. There was a note on top of the MacBook that said that this is what I could bring with me when we traveled. I smiled and then saw a note on my nightstand, telling me that I would be getting a cell phone tomorrow. 

I turned on the lamp on my nightstand and turned off the big light. Then I went back into bed and crawled under the covers. I reached my hand out to turn off the light to go to sleep.

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