Chapter 23

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“Yeah Liam, we made it to the boat... we’re fine.... go to sleep! Bye!” Harry said angrily, clearly annoyed with Liam calling us every five seconds to see if we’re okay. He came over and sat down next to me on the bed, turning off his phone and throwing it on the table next to us. “Guess who.” He said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes as he leaned in forward to press his lips to mine. He’s still really horny-touchy-feely. Thats how I know this week is going to be really... fun. 

“Its been five damn minutes Harry. Give me a break.” I said to him as he moved his lips down to my neck. Damn him, he knows that I can’t resist that. “Screw off.” I mumbled to him.

“You want this.” He said to me in my ear. 

“In your dreams.” I said back to him, wiggling out of his grip and going over to my suitcase and looking through it to find my bathing suit. I heard him get up and go over to his, muttering something under his breath as he got up. I rolled my eyes at him as I found my clothes and changed quickly, coming out to find that Harry had also changed too and was laying on the bed waiting for me. 

“Aw, is little Harry tired already?” I said to him, trying to tease him. I heard him laugh and he pulled me down by my waist and laid me down next to him. 

“Just getting started actually.” Harry said to me. I rolled my eyes at him and kissed his cheek softly. “And so are you...” he mumbled, leaning over and kissing my lips again passionately. 

“Can we do something?” I asked him. 

“We are doing something, we’re snogging.” He said. I rolled my eyes at him. “Yeah, I know thats not what you mean... we can go in the pool.” Harry said. 

“They have the tube slide that goes out over the boat, you know.” I said to him. Harry’s eyes grew wide with excitement, as he jumped up to go over and look at the booklet that was given to us as we boarded. 

“Oh my god. We’re going on this. Come on, get your bag.” he said to me like a little child. I laughed at his enthusiasm. “Oh, but be careful. I don’t want you to get hurt or anything.” he said. 

“Nice to see you care.” I mumbled as he took my hand into his and we walked up to the deck to find the ride. There were little groups of people who would stare at us as we walked by and I could feel Harry’s grip tighten just a bit as we walked by them. We stored my bag away and got in line with our tube and started to wait. 

“Have I mentioned you look really fit right now?” he asked me. I rolled my eyes as I leaned against his chest and he stuck an arm around my waist. 

“Only about fifty times... in the last two minutes.” I said as he kissed my forehead softly. 

“Its true.” He said to me. Soon later we got called to get ready in the top. Harry sat behind me and held onto me tightly the entire way around, and we got soaked, which was what he was aiming for. “Babe, I wanna go again!” He said like a little child. I laughed at him and his excitement and kissed his cheek before telling him I would wait for him down here. He refused to go without me, so he settled for sitting on a couple of lounge chairs and tanning with me on the balcony of our cabin. 

“Do you ever think about the future, Katie?” he asked me randomly.

“Yeah, I do. A lot actually. I wonder if things are going to be the same in two years, or even five. I think about marriage and children a lot. I also think about what i’m going to do with my life, because I can’t just do nothing all my life.” I said to him. 

“Well, i’m all set with what i’m going to do in my life. I’m gonna be singing until i’m on my death bed.” He said, joking but continuing later. “I think about marriage and children a lot more then I should. I’d be a horrible father because i’d always be out, i’d never see the child, or my wife for that matter.”

“You guys play with Lux really well, you in particular. She loves you.” I said to him. 

“Thats not the point, the point is that i’d never be around to be a proper father. I don’t want that.” he said to me, ending with a sigh. 

“I know you, Harry. You wouldn’t let that happen.” I said to him, sitting up and looking over at him. He was laying back with his sunglasses on but eyes closed behind them. He looked so perfect laying there, like he didn’t have a care in the world. I got up and walked over to his side. He opened his eyes and sat up next to me slightly. 

Thats when I leaned over to kiss him. And damn, did it get really hot really fast. Harry kept feeling his way around my body with every little move he made, taking advantage of the fact that i was only in a bathing suit and half naked. He gently worked his fingers under the bottom strap of the front of my suit, meaning that he was trying to get under the tiny cups that covered me. Meanwhile I just tangled my fingers in his hair and played around with his curls. 

“I love you.” he said to me before kissing me again, not giving me a chance to reply back. “When I was thinking about getting married... I was thinking about you.” he said to me. I smiled like a dork and blushed like crazy, feeling like an idiot. I leaned back up against him and started to nod off on his chest. 

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