Chapter 15

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All week long, we all hung around with the same people, pretty much. Liam and Danielle hung around together, Harry and I, Louis and Eleanor, and then Niall and Zayn. When all of the guys were out, all of us girls would be together and thats how it would go. Harry and I have been to almost every corner of the city this week, except for the Hollywood Walk of Fame. We tried to get down there and Simon called, demanding all of the boys back at the hotel for a meeting. 

So today, we all decided to mix it up. It was our last day, and Liam had noticed that we hadn’t spent any real time together at all during this week. So I was going to go with Liam today, while Danielle and Eleanor go out and shop, and then the last four boys will be hanging out around the city for themselves. Harry reluctantly agreed to this, after convincing from Louis once he told him what he would be doing all day. 

I knew that the girls had left earlier then we were planning to, as did the guys, so it didn’t surprise me when Liam woke me up the next day at around 10 in the morning. 

“Katie... come on now.” he said to me. I groaned a little bit as I turned over in the bed and got up. He laughed at me and kissed my forehead like he did every morning now. I grabbed my clothes to go into the bathroom and change before I left the bathroom again and waited for Liam. 

“Where are you taking me?” I asked him as he came back into the room. 

“Hollywood Walk of Fame, granted its the only place you haven’t been yet.” he said. I giggled lightly when he said this. “Its true! Your like my daughter, I haven’t even spent time with you all week, except for when we talk at night after Danielle falls asleep.” He laughed this time. Every night after Danielle fell asleep, Liam and I would talk until midnight. When we would get to loud, she would wake up and yell at us. He waited for a couple more minutes before we left. We took the SUV to the street where it started. Once we had gotten out, Liam put his arm around my shoulder as we walked. 

Paparazzi took pictures of us and threw questions at us. There were a lot of teenage girls that were around that took pictures of us as well, and one little girl was wearing a One Direction shirt. She looked about eight and she kept on looking over at us and smiling. 

“Liam, look.” I said to him, nudging him towards the little girl. Liam looked over at her standing on the side with her mom, pointing now at us. Liam took his arm from around my shoulder and walked up to the little girl and her mom. 

“That’s a cool shirt you have on!” Liam said to her. She started to giggle and smile when Liam started talking to her. “I think i might know that guy!” Liam pointed to the picture of him on her shirt. “What do you think Katie? I think you know him too.” Liam said again. 

“I think I do know him, Liam!” I said back to him. The little girl by now was laughing and giggling beyond all control. 

“What’s your name?” Liam asked her. 

“Brittany.” she said back quietly in a shy voice. Liam gave her a hug while I stood on the side waiting while she got her picture. “I want her in it too!” she said pointing to me. I smiled as I walked forward and went onto one side of the little girl, while her mother took the picture of us. Once we finished she said thank you and we went into the Starbucks on the side of the road and sat down at a table with drinks that we ordered. 

“I haven’t had much of a chance to talk to you at all lately. What’s been going on?” Liam asked me as I sipped on my drink.

“I’ve just been hanging out with Harry. What have you and Danielle been doing?” I asked him.

“Planning.” he said, smirking at me. I groaned, knowing that even though my birthday was still months away, he wanted it to be big and perfect. If his idea and Harry’s ever got combined, I wouldn’t go because it would be outrageous. 

“Don’t do anything unbelievable.” I mumbled to him.

“No promises. But Danielle and I have been thinking... we want to move out of the flat with the boys, and get one of our own. There’s one for sale right near the boys right now, so you’d be able to see Harry often and visit the boys. What do you think?” he asked me. 

“I think its a cool idea.” I said to him. Since he was saying things that he was planning on doing, I was afraid that he was going to talk about the adoption thing. Now that he was gonna do all of this with the flat - and still have to prepare for a baby - I wasn’t going to tell him quite yet. But i wanted too, so badly. 

“You look deep in thought. Everything okay?” Liam asked me. I nodded. “You haven’t been yourself around us since I announced that Danielle was pregnant.... and that I wanted to adopt you. Is that it, Katie?” he asked me. I nodded. “I told you, that you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.”

“No, i want to! But you’ve got so much going on right now, with Danielle and wanting to move and everything. You don’t need this on your shoulders too.” I said to him.

“I have 8 months until I have to deal with a baby. The move will take a while too. Katie, don’t worry about whats going on with me. Its about right now what you want to do or what you don’t want to do. Now, are you saying that I can adopt you as my daughter?” he asked me. 

“Yes Liam, you can adopt me as your daughter.”

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