Chapter 2

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I sat on a bench outside of the office, with Ruth and Nicola while my social worker, Liam, and the head boss discussed things about me. Sometimes I would be able to hear them, very faintly. Ruth held my hand, and Nicola talked to Karen and the other girl, who I still didn’t know. The other four members of One Direction talked to just them, occasionally mingling with the others. I didn’t speak at all.

“Katie?” Ruth asked me. I turned in her direction to look at her. “Are you hungry? Do you need food? Because you look like you haven’t eaten in days.” she asked me. I was about to speak to say no, when my stomach protested against me and growled loudly.

“Have you been eating?” Karen asked me now, coming over to me. I shook my head. “Why? You don’t need to loose weight, at all.” she said to me. 

“I’m not allowed to.” I said quietly. “They’re afraid i’ll get sick.” 

“When you get out of here, we’re going to take you to the Olive Garden. That place from America that’s over here now. You like that place, right Katie?” Ruth said to me. I smiled a tiny bit and nodded my head. 

“And there we’re going to stuff you like a pig!” Nicola replied to me. I smiled a little bit more and even laughed some. 

“Oh Katie, I need to introduce you to some people.” Karen said, taking my hand and pulling me up. I already knew who they were, but hadn’t been introduced. “You know them, right? Niall, Louis, Zayn, and Harry, Liam’s mates?” I nodded. “Good, less people you have to meet. And by the way, you’ll be living with them in London, they share a flat.”

“Eventually you’ll meet Simon, but Liam’s waiting on him.” Harry said to me. I nodded as Karen guided me away to the girl that I didn’t know.

“And this is Danielle Peazer, Liam’s girlfriend. Danielle, this is Katie. She’s being unusually quiet lately, but she’ll crack eventually.” Karen said. 

“We’ll crack her like we cracked Zayn.” Louis said to Karen, looking at me and smirking. 

“Don’t scare her Louis!” Karen said to him, sitting me back next to Ruth and Nicola.

“Mum, how much longer do you figure?” Nicola asked her. Just then the door opened up and my social worker exited, Liam right behind her. 

“Its settled. Katie, you’re to go back to your room and pack your things and leave with him.” she said to me. Ruth and Nicola offered to take me back and pack up the little things that I had with me, everything else was strangely missing from my house, but it wasn’t stolen. I had no idea who had taken all of my things and where they went. 

“She seems like a witch.” Ruth said to me. I nodded as we continued to walk more down the hallway into my small room. “Not much they give you, huh?” she asked me.

“They knew that I would only be here a short while, so they gave me a smaller room.” I said to her. I sat my bag back up onto my bed as we started to pack things away in it, like I said, I didn’t have much.

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