Chapter 14

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Since Simon dragged the boys to a CD signing up in Malibu, us girls had the hotel room to ourselves. It was a surprisingly rainy day in Los Angeles, rumor has it that it never rains here. I was on a bed by myself while Danielle and Eleanor were on the other. I was clicking around on Twitter and my computer, while they were trying to chose what movie we would be watching. Eleanor was in the mood for something funny, and Danielle was in the mood for something that was funny but romantic at the same time. I could care less. 

“Katie! Help us pick!” Eleanor moaned and groaned. I looked up at her. 

“Honestly El, i really don’t care. Look, we’re stuck in here all day, why don’t we start off with a long ass movie like Titanic, and then we can watch something funny. Or we can just watch No Strings Attached, which is both.” I said to them. They settled for the idea of No Strings Attached, which was both. I sighed as I closed my laptop and figured that I should pay attention to the movie, just for them. 

“Is that all the movie is? Them having sex?” Danielle asked with a raised eye brow.

“Yeah, I think so. As long as Liam doesn’t walk in on it we’re golden.” Eleanor said, for some reason more endorsed in the film then she should be. I laughed at how she was getting so into it, and she rolled her eyes at me when I looked away from the sex scenes. “You’ll be doing this one day!” 

“Not anytime soon!” I said to her. 

“You don’t know that!” She said to me, now joining me on my bed. “You haven’t even thought about it?” she asked me. I shook my head. She gave me a strange look.

“What? I just haven’t thought about it. Its been a month, my god Eleanor!” I said to her as I turned my attention back to the TV to watch the movie. 

Lovely, now she actually has me thinking about it. Truthfully, we haven’t even discussed it. It wasn’t the most important thing we had to think about, so I guess we just didn’t talk about it. I felt no need to say anything to him on the matter anyways. But now that Eleanor mentioned something like that, I kept on thinking of it. As if I didn’t have enough to think about, like the whole adoption thing. I still didn’t know when I was intending on telling Liam my decision. 

“HELLO LADIES!” Harry said barging into the room. Danielle automatically put the movie on pause and shut the TV off, just incase Liam followed in behind. “No worries, the other lads stayed with Simon due to his request. I got set free. Anyways, long story short, I’m stealing her.” Harry said, coming back over to my bed and picking me up bridal style.

“See ya. If Liam comes in, tell him i’m with this idiot.” I said to them as I was carried out and dropped onto Harry’s bed. 

“Who’s idea was it?” he asked me as I was lifted up and onto his lap once he sat down. 

“Uh... mine.” I said to him, looking up. He raised one eye brow at me and started to laugh at me. “Danielle wanted funny and romantic, Eleanor wanted funny. I’ve seen that movie, its a bit of both.” I explained to him.

“A movie that involves sex is funny?” He asked me. 

“No, the other parts are funny! Have you even seen it before?” I asked him. He nodded to me, smirking up a storm right now. “Oh, well.... shut up okay?” I said, turning my face away from him and digging it into one of his pillows. He laughed and leaned over to me, kissing my cheek repeatedly. 

“You know.... your adorable.” he said to me as he pulled my hair back out of my face when I turned around to face him. I smiled as he said this.

“You let me know everyday.” I said to him, putting one of my hands in his curls. 

“I know, i do it on purpose.” he said to me. “You deserve to know everyday how amazing and beautiful you really are.”  he whispered in my ear softly. I blushed like crazy and leaned up to kiss his lips. He dug deeper into this kiss, unlike any other. He gently kicked the door shut with his foot - he was within reach of it to be able to do that. His  lips were still connected to mine, deep into our kiss. 

He was now laying on top of me, and I was digging my fingers deep into his curls. My heart started to beat faster and faster as he worked his hand along my thigh, up and down repeatedly. One of my hands was now tugging at the bottom of his shirt, demanding that it gets taken off. He ignored my attempt as he collapsed on top of me completely, panting. 

“Katie, no.” he said to me. I looked into his eyes and could see that he wasn’t kidding. He wasn’t mad, or angry. He looked like he was protecting me, caring for me. I sighed and nodded as I sat up, but with Harry still on me. He wanted to say something else to me, I could see it in his eyes. I wanted to urge him to move on and say what he wanted to say, but I didn’t want to push him and make him angry. 

“Harry...” I started.

“I love you, Katie.” he said to me. I smiled like a dork as I leaned up and kissed him again.

“I love you too, Harry.”


lol, filler chapters for the win ~ but its okay cause there's gonna be something good coming up next chapter, i promiseee 

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