Finding Out About Him

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"Nani!" I heard Lila shouting down the hallway as she raced up next to me while I was opening my locker.  Lila was my best friend since third grade.  You could say we were inseparable.  She was my rock.  "How was your break" Lila said eagerly.  

I gave her a stare and responded "Too short, and it is too early for your peppiness right now."  Lila was a cheerleader, the complete opposite of what you would catch me doing on my Friday nights. 

"Yea yea yea" She mumbled as she rolled her eyes laughingly.  Lila wasn't the brightest of girls but she was a great friend.  Just as the first bell sounded to let us know to go to class Lila's boytoy, Liam, walked up and gave her a kiss, which began to lead to them making out quite a bit.  I couldn't stand when they did this.  I was not a fan of PDA.

But in my effort to escape Lila caught me.  She waved goodbye to Liam and ran up beside me.  "I can't be late on the first day Li". 

"I know. I know.  You've got to focus on studying to make sure you get into a good university blah blah blah."  We giggled as we continued walking.

"Oh Nani! I forgot to ask you about the new math teacher!"

"What about him?" I said not really caring, but out of politeness.

"Apparently he is the hottest thing to walk the earth.  You have to tell me all ab-" The minute bell rang and I was still quite a ways from my classroom.  

"Fine, but I have to go! Later Lila" I raced to my class hoping that I would make it in time to not get a tardy on the very first day.  I like to save those for when I need a few minutes of extra sleep or when a coffee run in the morning is necessary to me surviving the day.  


Crap!! Late on the first day.  This isn't quite the first impression I was hoping to give the new teacher.

I slumped into class hoping I would go unnoticed like usual.  Although my plans were foiled when the new teacher coughed and I froze in my place.  

"Good morning Miss..." And with his pause I slowly turned around and finished his sentence "Collins, Nani Collins" 

Holy crap! My new teacher was H-O-T!  His eyes were a bright blue, with sexy facial scruff.  His jawline was sharp and I felt like I was melting just looking at him.  His button down shirt showed off his toned body.  Oh I could just undress him with my eyes.  


"Well Miss Collins will you please see me after class?"

As he said this I could see that his face was somewhat flushed.  Was he blushing?  Was my teacher blushing looking at me?  Did he notice what I was thinking about him in my mind?  

I took my seat and waited for him to begin the lesson.

I guess I dozed off because all I heard him finish saying was that we have homework due when we walk into class in the morning.  

I began to walk out of the class and then my teacher called my name...

"Oh yes I'm sorry Mr..."  

"Knight.  Were you even paying attention at all today?"

I nodded my head.

He let out a sexy smirk and said "You couldn't keep your eyes off me at the beginning" Then laughed.

Oh my gosh! HE DID NOTICE.  Great now my teacher knows I think he's hot.

"Undressing me in your mind?" He said and winked as he loosened his tie a little bit.  

I gulped.  What, now could he read minds?  Ugh.  

"Why are you holding me back?  I have my next class to get to.   And don't you have a second period?"

Mr. Knight responded with "No I have a free period for second. But I just wanted to inform you that you will have an extra homework assignment on why you were late for class due when you hand in your homework tomorrow. Or else you'll have another form of punishment"

I knew he was talking about detention, but in my mind I was hoping it was some other things.

WHAT AM I THINKING?! THAT IS MY TEACHER.  I nodded once again, and quickly walked out of the very steamy and awkward room, praying that he didn't notice that I was blushing again.  But as I walked out I could hear him laughing again.

He knew.  

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