The Big Night

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I held Luca's arm tight as he escorted me into the ballroom. It was extravagant. The lights were starlight. Balloons. Hundreds of people. A crooner was singing Sinatra. The red carpet. It was so much. I couldn't believe this was all from Luca's family. Girls kept looking at me as we walked in. I was getting nervous. What if those girls were previous ones of Luca? Questions like this were racing through my head. Then finally Luca leaned down to me and said, "You are by far the most beautiful girl here darling."

We walked inside and Carly came up to us. I barely recognized her without flour in her hair. "Hey lovebirds" She said as she hugged Luca and I. "Nani, that dress is magnificent! I didn't even recognize you. You look so mature. Thank you for coming with Luca." I smiled and thanked her.

Then we walked over to the table where we would be eating dinner. Luca's little brother, Kyan, was sitting there on his phone. Luca walked up behind him and clicked the lock button. Kyle whipped around and yelled "HEY! What the - Luca!! What's up bro?!" Then he got up and hugged him.

Luca responded, "Hey Kyan, how are you?"

"Good. I'm really glad you are here." His eyes kept wandering over to me. Luca noticed.

"And this is my girlfriend", with emphasis on the girlfriend, "Nani."

"Hey Nani." He seemed disappointed. "She's hot bro. Good job."

I blushed.

But Luca quickly took me around the hip and said "Yes. I'm aware of that." I could tell he was getting jealous so in attempt from this situation from getting anymore awkward I asked Luca, "Would you like to dance?"

He turned towards me and said "Well I'm supposed to ask you that, not the other way around". But he held out his hand and we walked over to the dance floor.

The song that was being sung at the moment was 'You Make Me Feel So Young' by Frank Sinatra.

Luca wrapped one arm around my lower back, and took my other hand wrapped in his. "Follow my lead." I smiled. Little did he know I had taken Cotillion for seven years, and this spring I would attend my debutant ball. But I just went along with it. He spun me around, and held me closely. It was so sweet. Then when the end of the song came he whispered the lyrics into my ear, "You make me feel so young." I giggled at this. Then he kissed my cheek.

We danced for 3 more songs, then went and walked to go sit down at the table. His parents were sitting down there. Luca leaned down to me and said "They will love you. Relax darling."

I took a deep breath, then we walked up to the table.

Both his mom and dad stood up to greet me. "Hi, you must be Nani!" His mom said shaking my hand.

"Yes ma'am." I responded. "It's so nice to meet you Mrs. Knight."

"Oh sweetie, please call me Abigail. And this is Ethan, my husband and Luca's father." I shook his hand too. Then we all sat down.

"So Nani, are you excited for next year in college?" Abigail asked me.

"Yes ma'am. I actually just got my acceptance letter yesterday."

"You what?!" Luca blurted in frustrated.

I put my hand on his arm and said, "Yes I was planning on telling you today but things came up."

"Right." He still seemed frustrated.

Then Kyan inserted himself into the conversation and said "Wait a minute you're a senior in high school...." I nodded slightly. I was nervous to hear what else he had to say. "Luca you're a perv." Then he got up and stormed off. Luca followed.

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