His House

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Luca started walking towards the front door, but I was frozen still.  I seriously could not believe my eyes.  This house was amazing.  It was three stories, but the first floor laid underground and I would soon learn that it could only be seen from the back.  The front door was brown and grand with golden doorhandles that shone in the evening light.  The house itself was a cream color, with lots of columns along the front and an extravagant design at the top of each one.  I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Just wait until you see my parents house."  He said taking my hand and leading me inside.

He opened the door and I was even more amazed now.  There was a beautiful glass chandelier that hung down from the center of the room.  I couldn't take my eyes off of it.  "That was a gift from one of my parents' friends when they got married and bought this house together."  He said smiling.  

As he gave me a tour of the rest of the house I couldn't believe what was before me.

The back of the house had two staircases that led to the pool, which was a prize of its own.  It was bright blue water, surrounded by an amazing deck filled with lounge chairs and tables.  He caught me gazing again and said "We can swim later if you would like."

"Well I didn't bring a bathing suit." I said sadly, because that pool looked so inviting.

"That's okay."  He said winking at me.

I blushed heavily.  Then we both laughed and walked back inside.

"Luca your house is beautiful.  I can't believe I've never noticed this house here before."

He blushed, "Thank you darling." Then he kissed my cheek softly.  "Can I take your bag for you?" 

"That's okay.  I've got it." I replied.

"It wasn't actually a question darling."  He said taking the little bag I packed from my hands.  "Come on I'll show you our room."

Did he just say our room?  Oh my god. He did.  

I guess that was one room he didn't show me on the tour.  But why did he say our room?

He took my hand and led me up the staircase.  We stood outside the door.  It was a cream door with a brown trim around the edges.  All of the doors were like this, but this one seemed so much more important.  Behind this door was Luca's bedroom.  I had never been in a boy's...excuse me... man's bedroom before.  Much less, my own boyfriend's.

I think Luca noticed my nervousness because he bent down beside me and kissed me on the cheek then said, "Babe, it's just a bedroom."

"You said our bedroom..." I said.

"Yes, since I assume you're staying in the same bed with me it is our bedroom for the night...Is that okay?"

I blushed again and nodded my head.

"Good."  Then he kissed my cheek and opened the door.

When he opened it though, I stood there in awe. 




Sorry this chapter was so short.  But the next one will have lots in it!  I hope that you are enjoying this!  Let me know what you think!

I'm going to try to update it soon, but I have a super busy schedule this upcoming week so I'll try my best!

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