For the First Time

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I stood there in awe....

I was staring at my teacher's bedroom.  The extremely handsome and incredibly intelligent Luca Knight.  I couldn't believe it.  How did I go from coming home to finding my horrible man of a father wooing back my mother, to standing outside of my extremely dashing boyfriend's room.  It was such a quick turn of events.  I started feeling dizzy like I first had the first day I had ever met Luca...or at the time it was just Mr. Knight.

"Darling are you okay?" Luca took my hand asking.

I started to wobble a little.  But before I could fall, Luca caught me.  

"Nani! What's wrong?" He asked concerned.

I caught my breath and responded, "It's just that everything is a little overwhelming at the moment Luca.  I just am stressed about my dad and my mom and what is she going to do about Michael, I thought she liked him, and I mean this is YOUR bedroom and you know this already but I've never done it and I don't want to disappoint yo-"  But I was cut off with a kiss.

Luca pulled away softly after a few seconds of kissing me.  Then he pulled me in close to him and said, "First off darling, I came and got you out of the situation at your house so you could relax and not think about it."  He kissed my cheek then continued, "Secondly, yes this is my bedroom, but that does not mean I was implying that we were going to have sex tonight sweet girl.  I just thought it would be nicer for you to be sleeping in my arms than trying to get to sleep on your own when you're feeling like this."  Then he kissed my cheek again.

Luca held out his hand for me, and I softly placed my hand in his.  He led me to the bed where I placed the bag of my stuff I had thrown together to the side of the bed, then I plopped onto the bed, spreading out across it.  

Luca smirked down at me and then secondly later I felt a big crush on my back.

"Ow!" I said laughing.  Then Luca kissed my cheek.

"Are you ticklish darling?"  He asked.  

Oh no....

I knew that if I didn't answer he would think I was ticklish and would start tickling me, but if I said I was ticklish he would start tickling me until he found my weakest spot and wouldn't stop.  

I was in for it.

I felt his fingers crawl up to right below my rib cage.  Oh no... This was my weak spot.

"YES! YES! I'm-" I screamed while he was tickling me.  I couldn't control my laughter.

"Say the magic word" Luca continued.

"Say the magic word darling."  He was taunting me.

I thought of what his so-called 'magic word' might be and started yelling out words that I could think of to stop him from tickling me.

"Statistics"  "Math"  "Books"  I couldn't control my laughing.  It seemed like hours but it had only been maybe 30-45 seconds of tickling.

Finally I yelled out "Pancakes!"  in hopes that it was the magic word.

Luca stopped.  Oh good that was it.  He smiled down at me and said, "Darling that's just something you love..."  

"OH LUCA PLEASE.  I'M BEGGING YOU."  I said somewhat seductively hoping that he would just let me go because he was attracted to me.

Luca bit his lip, then raised his eyebrow.  "Nani watch your tone.  If you're begging for me to stop just from tickling you, imagine what would happen if we did something else."

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