Dinner is Served

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I walked into the room where all my new clothes that Luca had picked out himself were hanging.  This time I didn't have his assistants helping me get ready.  I put on a black dress and put my hair up in a half-pony.  Slipped on a pair of flats and saw Luca standing there at the top of the stairs waiting for me.

"Pizza?" He asked.

I profusely nodded as he smiled back at me.  I blushed seeing that smile of his, and he knew that it made me melt for him.

As we walked out the door Luca held my hand and walked to his car with me.  He opened my door and then went to the driver's side.  As we drove down the road I noticed that we weren't very far from town.  I began to think it was a little risky to be this close together, but my happiness over the fact that we weren't fighting anymore took over that feeling of worry.

We pulled into the pizza parlor and Luca raced around to my side of the car to open the door.  

"You know my hands work right?"

"Yes but I just enjoy being a gentleman", he responded with a kiss on my cheek.

We walked in and sat down at a table close to the window.  This place was nicer than just a normal pizza shop.  The waitress came over to take our order.  

"Hi Luca.  It's been a while." She said as she stood beside our table.

"Yea...Good to see you Emily.  When did you start working here?" He answered shyly.  

Something was off in his tone of voice.  She seemed to have a flirty tone and he seemed nervous.

"Oh not too long ago.  Needed a bit of boost of income through this last bit of school.  You know how it goes."

He smiled uncomfortably.  

"And what can I get for you and your friend here?"  She said with a rude tone in her voice.

"Just a medium cheese pizza." He answered quickly.

"Uh...actually I'd like pineapple on it too."  Luca looked strangely at me when I said that.  

"Okay add pineapple too it too."  Luca added to the order.  "And two drinks please."

"No wine tonight?" Emily said while smirking.  She could tell I wasn't 21.  I started getting nervous.

"Not tonight Emily.  Thank you."  Luca answered.

Emily nodded, wrote down the order, and walked away.  

Something was definitely up here.  I don't know who this Emily girl is but I definitely could tell something had happened between her and Luca before.  I just couldn't decide whether I wanted to ask him about it or not.  As I was pondering on this Emily brought back the drinks for us and smiled again at Luca, completely disregarding that I was too sitting at the table.  

When she left I finally built up the courage and rage to ask Luca about her.  

"So who is Emily...?"  I asked him.

"She's just an old friend from college."  He answered without looking me in the eyes.

"Friend or girlfriend Luca? I know you have a past with girls."  I questioned his answer.

He didn't respond so quickly this time around.  

"Well??" I asked again.

"Girlfriend."  He seemed ashamed.  "I didn't know she worked here though."

"I'm not mad that she works here babe."

"I'm gl-"

"I'm irritated that she's being flirty with you but that's whatever"

He looked down at the table.

"She was a pretty serious girlfriend Nani.  Before I met you I had planned on being with her until I didn't feel a spark with her anymore.  I promise you are the girl for me and I don't have any feelings for her anymore."

"I'm glad you don't..."  I said softly.

We sat there in silence for a moment when Emily brought out our food.

We both finished it very quickly. 

"So noted...Pizza is in the top five of favorite foods for you."  Luca giggled as he said that.

"You helped yourself to a few slices there too Mr."   I laughed back.

Emily brought the check out and when she handed it to Luca she grazed her hand across his....and we both noticed.

"Thank you Emily.  I forgot to mention earlier, this is Nani...my girlfriend." 

"Oh..." She paused. "Nice to meet you."  She added sarcastically.

Luca handed her enough money to cover the check and tip and then said "You can keep the change."  Then he stood up and held his hand out for mine.  I grabbed his hand, he pulled me in close and kissed my cheek.  To be even more petty, I said "You too Emily".  Then I smirked and walked out with Luca.  He laughed and looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Careful darling" I answered.  

He raised his eyebrows at me and quickly got us to the car.  Luca drove quickly home.

We pulled into his driveway.  "That was a quick drive home."  

"I know.  I have plans darling". He said and winked at me.  He raced around to my side and opened the door.  He held his hand out for me and I placed my hand softly in his hand.  He helped me out of the car and then threw me over his shoulder.  I gave a little shriek, and he spanked me lightly.  

"Let's go get after my plans" He said opening the door to the house.  



Okay I am so sorry that I have not written in so long.  I have been dealing with personal stuff, but I am back on track and hope to write some more soon!  I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you keep reading still!!

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