Chapter 3- Explanations

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(Chapter 3- Explanations)


I nodded my head but spoke softly. “How did this happen?”

Was he attacked during the night somewhere like you see in those scary movies or did he meet a bunch of vampires and they changed him so he could be part of the clan? So many scenarios were playing through my mind right now that I didn’t know what to do with them all.

Maybe once he finally told me, then things would be cleared up, and I wouldn’t have to keep wondering about it. That would put my mind at rest.   


"About two weeks after I left for my trip to Italy I became vampire." He stated.

"How did you become one?" I wondered rather loudly.

"The trip I took to Italy was to be with my family. My grandparents live there and as it turns out they are vampires too. I apparently was born with the same vampire gene but couldn't be completely turned vampire until I fulfilled the process and that was to drink vampire blood from a member of the organization.” He explained.

“The organization?” I questioned.

“Yes, it’s a group of vampires that was formed to keep order over the others.” He stated. “You can only be part of the organization if you are born into it. It’s a role that it is to be inherited.”

“So there are others in the organization?” I asked.  

“There are five of them. Our family orders in Italy, another family orders in Brazil and the same goes for Russia, China and Canada.” He said.

“What about The United States?”

“It’s no man’s land really just like the other places. The organization as a whole still watches over it together but there is no one here directly. We have our districts.” He answered.

“I had no idea any of that even existed.”

“No one does except the vampire world.” He said.

This was all such a shock to me. I had no idea how much of the world was occupied by vampires until now. All those things you hear in the night all those unsolved murders could all be linked to vampires. Everything unexplainable could be traced back to them if anyone knew of their existence.

“How did this all start?” I asked.

“About 400 years ago there was one supreme ruler over all but the power became too much for him and he went crazy. He began killing people and sentencing them to the most horrific deaths imaginable. He even sentenced his own wife to the worst death of all.”

“What?” I whispered feeling as though we shouldn’t be talking about this.


He didn’t have to explain to me what that meant. I could pretty well guess it for myself. I just don’t understand how someone could do that to their own family. Vampire or not.

“After that the family from the royals or what was left of them came together, they formed the organization feeling that no one should hold supreme power ever again. There were five children of King Darius and each one separated to different parts of the world to rule. So now anytime someone needs to be punished or sentenced to death it must be agreed upon by the organization together.” He explained.

This was all starting to make since now. His grandmother or grandfather must be one of the children of King Darius and that’s how they are part of it.

My Best Friend Is A Vampire And He Wants To Claim MeWhere stories live. Discover now