Chapter 29- Dreams and Warnings

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(Chapter 29- Dreams and Warnings)

It was tarring me apart inside that I was having these memories come up because now I was seeing things I forgot and it was making my decision to leave that much harder. I don't want feel this way about Don but it's like I am without my permission and every time I think of him I feel like I'm betraying Chase which I am. I had no idea how I was going to face him after everything that's happened. I can't lie to him and say nothing happened when indeed it has, maybe not physically but emotionally for sure.

Ever since I came here I've felt like a completely different person. I'm not the same person I am when I'm with Chase. It's strange how being with one person can make you feel one way and being with another person can make you feel a different way. What am I suppose to do with that? How can I explain that to Chase? I doubt he would even listen to me. He probably won't even want to be with me after this. After all I had a kid with the enemy now and I was starting to feel the connection with said enemy. Who would want that much baggage? Can Chase still accept me for who I am after all of this?

I felt overwhelmed by my thoughts again and began to tear up. I could hold out and be strong any longer, not when my heart was causing me so much pain.

I placed my face in my hands and let the tears fall as I fell to the floor. I had no idea how to cope with all of this. It was like my life was set to be complicated from the day I was born. I just wish once a decision could be made easy for me but I guess I'm just not that lucky. The only thing I knew for sure right now is these babies and River came first in my life. I needed to base my decision on what is best for them and nothing else mattered.

"It's ok." Don said rubbing my back soothingly. "I'll be here for you."

He picked me up gently and carried me back inside to the bed. He laid me down and climbed in next to me pulling me to his chest. I didn't even have the will power to pull away anymore and that scared me very much.

The tingles running up and down my body was making feel better and putting me at ease. I was taking comfort in Don's presence and hope he wouldn't leave me until I was asleep. I know I would pay for this by feeling guilty when I woke up but right now I needed this and I wasn't going to stop it.


"Ashlyn where are you?" Crystal screamed.

"I'm here what's wrong?" I asked running to her.

"It's Chase he's hurt." She said.

"Where is he?" I asked in a hurry to find him.

"Him and Don are fighting to the death come on we have to hurry." She said running into the woods.

I quickly followed after her through the forest as the night began to creep up. It was growing dark fast and I was worried that I was going to trip and fall since it was getting harder to see where I was going. I kept running as fast as I could trying to keep up with Crystal trying desperately not to lose her.

I the distance I could hear shuffling and yelling going on and became scared. Just as we got closer someone let out an agonizing cry of pain which sent my heart racing in fear. Who was hurt? Was it Chase or Don? Either one scared me. I didn't either of them hurt because of me. All of this was my fault and I had to make it right again.

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