Chapter 13- Relationships

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(Chapter 13- Relationships)

"What brought this on?" Chase asked surprised.

"I don't want to be helpless I want to help." I stated.

"I have to admit it feels great to hear you say you want to be like me." He smiled.

"I do. I want to help anyway I can. I don't want to lose you or anyone else for that matter. You mean too much to me." I confessed.

Chase brought me into his arms and held me to him. I responded by holding him back. His scent was so over powering it made me want to go weak in the knees. I clutched on the Chase like if I let go he would leave me. Chase held me in his strong arms so careful and lovingly. Right now I could feel what he is feeling and I was feeling the same.



"I...I love you."

Chase pulled back in surprise and looked at me. He had a look of shock on his face like her couldn't believe me words. I meant them though. I meant every word. I loved Chase from the bottom of my heart. It used to be as a friend but now it's become more. I want to be with Chase in every way. I want to love him and him love me. I stood on my tiptoes and gently placed a kiss on Chase's lips.

"You mean it?" He questioned.

"Yes, I mean it. I never thought I could love you this way but it seems I was wrong. I love you and I want you Chase, in every way." I finished.

"I love you too Ashlyn." He smiled in delight.

Chase leaned in to kiss me. His lips touched mine gently making me moan. I kissed back but rougher and he responded the same way. Chase picked me up by my butt and wrapped my legs around his waist. He kissed down my jaw line then made his way to my neck. His touch sent electric shocks all over my body. I craved his touch even more now.

Chase carried me over to the bed and laid me down. We continued kissing until it wasn't enough for me anymore. I flipped us around so that I was straddling him now. I kiss his mouth then made my way to his neck. Once I found the spot I sucked on it until I was pleased making him moan in return. When I was done he had a purple mark at the base of his neck. I smiled at my work. I just marked Chase I laughed to myself. He never let anyone mark him before.

Chase snaked his hands up my shirt rubbing his all over me. I felt him pulling at the hem so I raised my arms. Chase pulled of his top as well. When he did I almost fell over at the sight of his muscles, they were sexy. He looked so ripped and fit. I couldn't help myself from running my hands over them. Within minutes Chase was back on top again planting kisses all over me. I started to unbutton my pants but Chase stopped me.

"Are you sure about this?" He questioned seriously.

"Completely sure." I answered and we continued.

(I don't think I need to explain the rest. I think you all get it. PS: Not good at sex scenes.)

That night was the best night of my life. I'm so glad that Chase was my first. I Knew I could trust him with it. After all I was in love with my best friend. I can't believe I never gave him a chance before. If I did I could have been a lot happier. Chase makes me happy. I finally understood how much he loved me.

I woke the next morning with Chase starring down at me smiling. He was propped up on one elbow looking at me. I know most people would have thought it was weird but I thought it was sweet.

"Have you been watching me sleep?" I smiled.

"Only for the last 10 minutes." He stated. "You're beautiful when you're sleeping."

My Best Friend Is A Vampire And He Wants To Claim MeWhere stories live. Discover now