Chapter 25- Taken

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(Chapter 25- Taken)

Chase POV

I carried Ashlyn in my arms over to the couch and laid her down. If I wasn’t worried about her right now I would admire how beautiful she looks while she is sleeping.  My hand gently stroked her face as I wondered what caused her to pass out. I hope it is nothing serious.

“Is she ok Chase? What happened to her?” Crystal asked with worry.

“I don’t know. I think it may have something to do with her learning to use her powers. I think they may be draining her until her body learns how to handle them.” I stated.

I couldn’t help but blame myself for her tears. I just got so mad and lost it. How can I just keep calm over what she said? It hurt me to think that she let Don kiss her. I wanted so bad to asker her why but I knew now wasn’t the time for that. Right now I just need her to be ok.

“We will stay with Ashlyn while you call your dad. He may what’s happening.” Crystal said.

I guess she was right. I better see if he knows anything. This could all just be an overreaction.

 I walked into another room and pulled out my phone to call my dad. After the third ring he answered.

“Hey son how is Ashlyn?”

“Better, she knows now. She took it rather well.” I said.

“That’s great.”

“Actually something else happened. I think her powers have started to surface more and she passed out. Could it be because her body has not fully adjusted to it yet?” I asked

I silently prayed that’s what it was because I don’t know what I would do if something happened to Ashlyn. She is the only thing that holds me together.

“I think that could be it but I’m sending Dr. Kay over anyway to check her out. She was on vacation the day Ashlyn was sick and Dr. Evans filled in for her. From now on she will be Ashlyn’s OB-GYN.” My father stated.

“When will she be here?” I asked impatiently.

“She should be there within the hour. Just keep calm and stay by Ashlyn’s side until she can get there.” Dad said.

“Thanks I will.” I said before hanging up.

I walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch next to Ashlyn but this time taking the time to admire her. I couldn’t have been happier to have her as my soul mate. I love Ashlyn from the bottom of my heart; I just hope she feels the same. Ever since Don has showed up I can’t help but feel I might lose her. If that ever happened I don’t know what I would do. I don’t think I would be able to live without her. She is my other half; we are two parts of a whole. I would do anything for this girl.

“What did your dad say?” Crystal asked breaking the silence.

“He’s sending over a doctor to examine her. He thinks she will be alright but we are just making sure. We don’t want to use the babies.” I said.

“Don’t worry I think she will pull through.” Crystal said but I could still hear worry in her voice.

As I waited for the Dr. Kay to show I couldn’t help but wonder what our babies would be like. It didn’t matter the genders just as long as they were happy and healthy. The fact that they were a part of me and Ashlyn was enough to make me happy.  I could imagine us having a boy just like me with little bit of attitude but a strong caring side and a little girl exactly like Ashlyn with her beautiful features and loving personality. I can’t wait to meet them.

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