Chapter 16- The honeymoon is over

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(Chapter 16- The honeymoon is over)

I lay in bed with Chase cuddling enjoying the last day of our honeymoon. It hardly seems like we have even been here a whole week. It has been amazing spending time with Chase and only Chase. I think we needed it. We have bonded over the last week. I feel closer to Chase than I ever have. It finally feels like we are one.

I rolled over to my side so that I was facing Chase. He was still asleep looking as cute as ever. I watched his face as the sun danced across it leaving little patterns. His chest slowly rose and fell as he took in deep breaths while he slept. I couldn't help but notice Chase's muscles as I studied him. He was defiantly a much bigger build than before. I traced my finger along his biceps before he started stirring. I began to open his eyes only to find me staring back at him.

"You know it's creepy when you do that." He smiled.

"Do what?"

"Stare at someone while they are sleeping." He chuckled.

"I was just admiring you that's all." I defended.

"Oh really and what were you admiring?" He questioned.

"You know your bulging biceps and all."

"Glad to know you like them." He said pumping them up proudly.

I laughed at him as took pride in himself. Chase joined in with me before reaching over to tickle me. I screamed and begged for him to stop but he didn't. Just when I though I couldn't take it anymore he pulled his arms back.

"That's what you get for laughing at me." He smirked.

Just as I was about to get revenge my phone rang. Yep I got my phone back now that chase was convinced I wasn't going to try and get away. I actually have a lot of freedom now which I am thankful for. Think that is what has helped make this relationship so much better. I rolled back over to grab my phone before Chase stopped me.

"Let it go to voicemail." He said pulling me into his arms.

"Alright" I agreed while snuggling into Chase's body.

I laid there in his arms while my phone was continuing to ring. I was biting on my lip anxiously as it was killing me not to pick it up. If it's one thing I hate is to let a phone ring and ring. Finally it cut off and I was thankful. I lift my head to Chase's as we began to kiss only for the phone to ring again. Chase groaned in annoyance before letting me go to answer it.

I reached for the phone by the night stand to see who was calling. I seen it was Crystal and knew she was probably calling to see how that honey was going or when I was coming back.

"Hello" I answered.

"Ashlyn" Crystal said in a scared tone.

"Yeah what's wrong?" I asked worried.

"It's Chase's grandfather." She said shakily.

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