Chapter 19- Don

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(Chapter 19- Don)

"Conservare questo luogo circondato. Non voglio che nessuno riesca a passare." I heard a familiar voice say.  

" Sì, signore, voglio vedere che si occupa di." Another person said.

Where am I? I rubbed my eyes and slowly opened them. As I took in my surroundings everything that happened came rushing back to me. I suddenly started to panic and my breathing be came heavy. I quickly searched the room with my eyes. I was in a very nice room with red walls and by the looks of it I would say we were still in Italy which was a big relief to me. At least I wasn't far from Chase, this should help his Chance's in finding me.

I stirred beneath the covers just before raising out of the bed. I heard the voices still talking and could tell they were coming from outside the door that was slightly standing open. Once my feet hit the cold floor I shivered from the sudden temperature change. As my feet got used to it I finally stood but noticed I was wearing a long white gown, and panicked again. How did I get into this gown? I am going to die if it was Don. I heard the sound of the door shutting and I instantly looked up. Don stood there with smile on his face before coming to my side.

"I'm glad to see you're up."

"How long have I been here?" I asked.

"A day and a half." He stated.

"Would you like to explain this?" I hinted by grabbing hold of my gown.

"Yes well I couldn't let you sleep in your clothes for almost two days now could I?" He smiled.

"How did I get into the gown Don?" I asked with anger seeping in my words.

"Relax it was a woman staff member."

Well at least now I know it wasn't him and that made me feel a lot better. No one but Chase has ever seen me like that and that's how I plan to keep it.

I stood there Awkwardly as Don and I just stared at on another. I was a bit embarrassed at having to stand there in a gown while being alone in a room with Don. I don't feel we know each other well enough for this situation. As I shifted again waiting for him to say something to break us from this awkward silence he moved to another door in the room and pulled out some clothes.

"Here I'm sure you want to get cleaned up." He said handing me the clothes. I slowly grabbed them without taking my eyes off Don.

"Thank you." I mumbled.

"You're welcome darling." He smiled. "The bathroom is just through that door over there. When you are through getting ready I will come to take you down to feed, you must be thirsty."

To tell you the truth I hadn't even thought about it until he brought it up. I nodded my head and headed for the bathroom. The thirst in my throat was growing rapidly as I realized it had been almost two days since I feed. I looked in the mirror trying to calm myself down before I went mad and tried to hurt someone. I breathed in and out slowly until I had mostly calmed down from my thirst.

I stepped into the shower and turned on the hot water. As it touched my skin I instantly relaxed enjoying the feel. Slowly I washed off my body taking a lot longer than I normally would in the shower but oh well it felt nice and I would just have to face Don again anyway.

As I got out of the shower I dried off than proceeded to dry my hair. Once that was done I went back in the room to put on my clothes. Picking up the clothes off of the bed I noticed it was actually a beautiful pale yellow dress with a silk band around the waist and I loved it to. I had to give him props for the awesome dress, he chose well. I slipped on the dress and admired myself in the mirror until there was a knock on my door.

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