Chapter 9: Groping, sarcasm and a hit

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Picture on the side: The Fair Moon pack-house.


"Wake up sleeping beauty, we're home." Someone was shaking my right shoulder but I just muttered 'fuck of' under my breath and kept my eyes shut. That was until I felt something wet touching the side of my neck. I let out a shriek and recoiled to my left, bringing my hand up to my neck where someone had left a wet trail of god knew what.

"Seriously dude, not cool!" I yelled as my eyes locked on Alex grinning face. I could hear Anton starting to laugh and I shot him a dark look. I hated when someone tried to wake me up when I was sleeping and this was definitely worse than usual. Suddenly I realized that Kate wasn't anywhere near and neither was Adam and I shot out of the car we were still in before anyone could react and looked panic-stricken around me. I couldn't see her anywhere and I started to shout her name before Alex came up from behind and I turned to him as fast as lightening.

"Where is she, tell me!" I yelled pointing angrily at him but he just gave me an irritated eye and gestured behind me.

"She's inside Mr. Hyde. Calm down before you kill someone with those eyes." Alex rolled his eyes at me but I ignored his taunt, already turning to look behind me. I could feel my mouth drop open when my gaze landed on the more like mansion that stood there. It was huge, with at least three floors and I couldn't help but admire the beautiful structure. It was gray and the big entry was facing the path that lead up to it from where Anton had parked the car.

I shook my head clearing my thoughts and started to stalk towards the mansion with big angry steps. It was now bright outside and that indicated that we had driven the whole night to get here. Wherever 'here' was.  

There went my plan to escape as soon as I could...

Alex and Anton easily caught up to me before I reached the mansion and Alex opened the door to me with a sarcastic little bow. I grimaced at him and then walked inside staring at the sight before me. We were in a big hall that stretched further into the house and now and then I could see openings in the walls that probably lead to other rooms. Great this house was a freaking maze.

"Where is she?" I repeated the question again and this time Anton answered me.

"Probably in the kitchen." He said and I sighed and threw my hands in the air.

"And where the hell is the kitchen then?" I yelled, not able to resist the urge to snap at him. Before I knew it I was violently pushed against one of the walls face first. I cursed when I felt someone twist my left arm back and if I didn't want to pull my shoulder out of joint I had to keep still.

"God that hurts." I winced as somebody pressed my arm further back grimacing at the pain burning in my shoulder and along my bruised ribs.

"Good." I heard Alex mutter in my ear and I cursed again. Of course it had to be him. "Great no mercy for me, yeey" I thought sarcastically.

"As much as I like you Alex I don't want you groping me right now." I said with as much sarcasm as I could muster. I heard Alex and Anton laughing at that and I tried to ignore the pleasurable tingles that shot down my spine at the sound.

There had to be something seriously wrong with me.

Suddenly Alex stepped closer to me and I tried to get as near to the wall as possible to avoid him touching me. He just laughed at that and gripped my arm a little tighter, causing me to stay in place as he took another step, this time making contact with my body.

"You sure about that Ash?" He whispered, chuckling lowly and I actually had to prevent myself from moaning when I felt something hard against my ass. "Hell this is not happening" I thought when I suddenly felt myself grow hard down there too. "Shit, well this was a total disaster" I thought to myself. I didn't think it could get any worse, but next thing I knew Alex abruptly took a hold of my hair forcing me to lean my head to the side.

"What the actual fuck Alex If you're thinking of giving me a hickey I will seriously kill you." I whined trying to make some space between us again and grimacing when Alex wouldn't let me move an inch.

"No... actually we're taking this in our room later because I will enjoy making you squirm mate." He said thoughtfully suddenly letting go of my arm and stepping back hesitantly. I slowly turned around shooting him an angry look before I turned to Anton and muttered:

"I'm just going to ignore him. Can you please tell me where the kitchen are?"

Alex shot me an amused look from the corner of my eye but I kept my gaze on Anton.

"Yes I can, it's the first opening to your left if you keep walking along this corridor." He said and pointed to what looked like an opening in the wall further down the hall. I nodded and then I took a deep breath before I suddenly jumped towards Alex and hit him over the head before I, as fast as I possibly could, shot down the hall towards the opening. I laughed out loud when he let out a dark growl and started chasing me.

A terrible idea? Yes of course, but I couldn't help it and I laughed even more when I took the corner into the kitchen in a tight turn and almost ended up tripping over myself in the process.

You can't run from us  [BoyxBoy]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon