Chapter 27: Talking it out

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I blinked stupidly at him before what he had said finally processed in my brain.

"What!?" I shrieked as I forced my eyes to leave his lips and meet his burning gaze. No way! Did he think that just because I happen to whimper before, I somehow had come to accept all of this? No…just no! I brought my hands up and pushed against his chest firmly.

"Let go of me now...! Fuck, I said let go!" I was gritting my teeth and I bet my eyes were easily showing my anger now. My wounds made themselves known when I tried to struggle my way out of Alex hold and I hissed at the feeling.

"Stop it! I mean it Ash you’re hurting yourself…! Dammit!" Alex growled at me when I didn’t listen and before I knew it I was hanging over his right shoulder.

"Put me down you idiot! It hurts more when you do it like that!" I screamed at him in anger and tried to hit him over his back so he would let me go.

Yeah, that totally did it… (Note the sarcasm)

"Good heavens! You give me no choice Ash!" Alex snapped back and started walking out of the kitchen with me still draped over his shoulder. I hissed and clawed at his back in an attempt to get him to let go but he just growled more and continued on his way towards the stairs leading to the other floors.

Anton and Adam had followed us out from the kitchen in silence and they now walked behind Alex and me up the stairs. Their eyes were a little darker but their faces didn’t reveal anything that could indicate what Alex planned on doing with me.

I tried everything. I clawed, bit, kicked and cursed at him but nothing got him to let go of his hold on me and his steps didn’t even falter. It wasn’t long until we reached the third floor and Alex stopped outside the room I had been brought to earlier, but I was exhausted.

Anton opened the door for us and Alex swept in and walked the five steps and carelessly dropped me at the foot of the same black bed I had been forced upon earlier. I groaned when my bare back connected with the comforter but I immediately edged backwards until I bumped my head in the iron bars at the top of the damn bed. I tried to glare the best I could at the three little devils (okay maybe not so little…but anyway) that now stood at the foot of the bed staring down at me.

When none of them had made any move or even tried to say anything for a very long time I finally decided to speak up.

"Well? Care to tell me what the hell I’m doing back here?" I gestured at the bed and the room I was by now slightly familiar with. Alex growled (as usual) at what I guess was my lack of respect but Anton simply sighed and pulled a hand through his hair. He gave me a searching look before he finally spoke up.

"I think it’s time we talk Ash and I…I mean we would prefer if you could hear us out and stop being difficult…ahh…no, hell if you could like stop being…well…you for a moment that would be great?" He gave me a somewhat pleading look and I scoffed and pondered his request for a second. I wasn’t so fond of being told that I was difficult, even though that’s exactly what I am.

"Fine." I finally sighed and let my body relax a little against the iron bars. I kept my eyes on them though and could easily make out their relieved expressions when they heard me agree. Suddenly Alex gave me an eye roll before he mounted the bed and began to make his way towards me. I contemplated if I should move before he reached me but his eyes made me stay put.

"Behave." He simply said as he settled down beside me (not very far away but not all to close either). I huffed but didn’t protest when Adam took a seat on my other side and Anton sat down in front of us in the middle of the bed.

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