Chapter 21: I'm whatching freaking Twilight!

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Before I knew it Vincent spun me around, away from the attacking wolf and I landed flat on my stomach with him covering my back by landing on it. I let out a painful hiss as my still bare chest made contact with the hard and uneven ground beneath us. Suddenly it wasn’t just Vincent weighing me down as what I guess was the wolf landed on top of him.

Sure Vincent must have felt the animal’s sharp claws and probably stinking breath, but I was the one who had to hold up both their massive bodies on top of mine. I cried out as it felt like I was being crushed and not a second later the weigh suddenly eased and I could breathe again. Without Vincent on top of me I flopped over to my back and tried to calm my racing heart at the sight in front of me.

This could not be happening!

Right in front of me was seven large, and I seriously mean huge wolves fighting one another, snapping at each other’s throats and growling. Only Kevin and I was still standing on two legs and he calmly locked eyes with me giving me a concerned gaze. He made his way over to me but I had my eyes glued on the seven monster wolves that were paying us no attention what so ever. “At least not right now” a sarcastic voice in my mind said and I shook my head to get a grip. I had to run while the wolves were busy fighting each other, we had to run (seeing as Kevin was still seemingly normal).

"Are you okay Ash?" Kevin said, finally having reached me. I blinked at him a couple of times before I slowly flipped him the finger, suddenly gaining control over my body again and with it, a rising anger.

"What do you think dumbass? I just saw a man turn into a wolf and now I’m watching freaking twilight!" I hissed at him, giving him a frosting glare. He didn’t seem to mind my anger though as he started laughing.

"What the hell? This is not the time for laughing! We should run like hell so they don’t eat us or whatever!" Kevin just kept laughing completely ignoring my words as I glared at him more forcefully now.

"Fine! I’ll just leave you here then, may give me a head start if they take their time killing you first." I seethed as I picked myself up from the ground. Kevin tried to stop laughing but only managed to sound like a seal choking on something. That just ticked me off even more and as I started walking I bumped his shoulder quite hard on my way past him.

I do not appreciate being laughed at, especially not when I’m trying to save his life. Kevin probably realized that as he forced himself to calm down and walked after me waving his hands in extenuation.

"No, wait Ash! I’m sorry I didn’t mean to laugh at you like that. What you said was just really funny and you know I can’t let you go without Anton and Adam getting mad and Alex probably decapitating me." He actually winced at the thought but I just huffed and kept walking.

"I’m not scared of them Kevin and you shouldn’t be either. If they get their way all the time they would probably be even bigger asses then they are now and that’s nearly impossible." I muttered through clenched teeth throwing my hands out in an irritated gesture.

When I had finished my rant I suddenly realized that I couldn’t hear Kevin’s footsteps following me nor did I hear the sound of the big wolves fighting anymore. Actually nothing made even a slightest sound and I could feel the hair on my back stand up slowly and without even turning around to look behind me I knew that it wasn’t good…not good at all.

I had stopped but I debated on whether I should turn around or not when a voice I knew perfectly well cut through the silence making me shiver visibly.

"I wouldn’t call myself an ass… but if you insist I would gladly show to you just how much “of an ass” I can be if you don’t stop right there and come back here so I can teach you some respect." Alex voice was not loud nor was it stern but that just made his words even more scary. I slowly turned around and as soon as I did I regretted it…big time.

I could see three big shapes on the ground right next to a tree a couple of yards behind Alex but that wasn’t the worst part (even though I knew the “shapes” probably wasn’t just “shapes”).

No, the worst part was the four guys remaining (besides Kevin who stood behind Alex smirking at me). Neither Vincent, Adam, Anton nor Alex had a single piece of fucking clothing on their stark naked bodies.

“Houston we have a problem” I thought as I hastily turned back around in horror.

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