Chapter 30: I suggest you get over it

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When Adam finally pulled away I took a deep breath but still let my head rest against the bed. I had my eyes closed but opened them immediately when I felt a hand brush up along my chest.

"What are you doing?" I asked as Adam gently pushed his fingers against various places. He tilted his head a little and looked at me intensely.

"You don't feel anything?" He finally asked and I gave him a confused look. I followed his eyes and looked down on my bare chest and saw that his fingers were pressed against one of the grazes. I had forgotten about them but now when he mentioned it...

"Well yeah it hurts but it's not like I'll die. I've had worse." I said slowly and Alex growl was heard before I even got the chance to finish speaking.

"If I ever come across that asshole I will seriously kill him." Alex growled and I gave him a surprised look.

"What?" I said in disbelief and his dark gaze met mine.

"I said I will kill him if I ever see him." Alex repeated and I violently started to shake my head.

"No, definitely not! Nein, contra, όχι(pronounced óhi), против (pronounced "protiv"), non!* I will not have you running around killing people! Especially not because of me!" I yelled at Alex. The three of them all eyed me in both surprise and wariness and I could see Alex eyes narrow slightly.

"I will not apologize for defending and protecting my mate Ash, and if it's necessary I will not hesitate to kill anyone who even dares lay a finger on you. I suggest you get over it." Alex answered and his brothers nodded in agreement.

What the fuck, were they really serious about this?!

"Hell no! I said no and I mean no and I suggest you get over it!" I stated in a serious voice. I would not cave on this. Killing people were wrong and that's that. I don't care if they're werewolves or whatever. They have to obey the law just like everybody else.

"Just think about it for a second. Imagine if I were to die or get hurt by someone, then what would you do huh? It's okay to get attached to people and have feelings for them but not so much that you would kill for them, you get it? It would not bring them back you know." I said and when I had finished I swear you could literally feel the temperature drop in the room. I watched as Alex began to shake, Adams eyes grew dark and Anton started to growl dangerously.

Whoa not really the reaction I had expected...was it something I said...?

Suddenly Anton and Adam shifted their attention away from me and focused solely on Alex's shaking form. They stopped what they were doing to look at him for a while before they gave each other a meaningful glance. What were they doing?

Although his brothers' attention were now completely directed on him Alex had his dark eyes locked on me and I couldn't help but squirm under his intense stare. He sure could be scary and intimidating when he wanted to...

I decided to test the waters a little and while he had his eyes on me I over explicitly rolled my eyes and pouted a little. I got the response immediately. Before anyone could react Alex threw himself towards me and I yelped and tumbled into Adam, who was sitting behind me, in my attempt to get out of his reach.

Hell this was not one of my greater ideas, I admit.

Adam groaned when I slammed into him but before he could do or even say anything I had crawled behind him, effectively putting him between Alex and myself. Alex came face to face with Adam and growled a little.

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