Chapter 17: Meeting Ethan

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Picture on the side: Ethan


I tried to move as fast as I possibly could but my aching foot made my struggles even more difficult. I concentrated on the ground, trying to avoid stumbling over roots as I kept going further into the woods. At least some of the sunlight shone through the thick leafage and I could easily make out the trees around me. I had already gotten a long way and it would have been a lot more difficult if it had been dark right now.

"Fuck! I'm so tired of this! I never asked for this stupid shit! Hell can I just get one minute without bad luck jumping on me?!" I yelled out when I tripped over a tree root and went flying towards the ground. I had landed in a puddle of mud and I could feel my shirt get soaked and start to get sticky.

"Great just great!" I muttered as I was trying, and failing to get up from the slippery ground. When I finally managed to get up I tried to squeeze the dirty water out of my soaked shirt. When that didn't help I sighed in frustration and ripped the shirt of, throwing it on the ground behind me.

"Gosh I can't take this anymore!" I whined before I shifted my gaze towards the path in front of me. I was just about to start limping in that direction when suddenly, out of nowhere, four guys stepped out and blocked the path. I stopped immediately and when they got their eyes on me it was completely silent for a couple of seconds.

They were all without shirts and their muscles were impressive. Not that they were anywhere near Alex, Anton and Adam when it came to the good- looking gene. After a minute of just staring I shifted uncomfortable and nervously tossed my hair out of my eyes. The longer I stayed here the more time the brothers would have to find me.

"Hey... I was just walking you know..." I trailed of when one of the guys narrowed his eyes on me. "Hm, maybe they know Alex and the others. I shouldn't say anything in case they do." I thought as I kept my eyes on the guys in front of me.

"...Well yeah... and now I'll be on my way." I finished. pointing to my left. I was just about to limp in that direction when the guy who had narrowed his eyes on me started growling.

"Where do you think you're going?" His voice was hard and I turned my head slowly in his direction. I sighed tiredly, I really didn't need this right now.

"Look I don't know if you're deaf as well as dumb but I don't have time for this right now and I'll be on my way as I said before." I made a move to go but now they all started growling low in their throats. The guy who had been speaking to me took a step in my direction and his steel grey eyes stared at me with something that looked like suspicion mixed with curiosity.

"Why do you smell of them?" He said, slowly sniffing the air around us. I gave him a "are you mentally unstable-look" and he shot me an irritated glance.

"What happened to you?" He kept talking and made a gesture towards my bare chest. I gave him a confused look before I looked down at myself and found out why they were all staring at me. I cursed loudly.

"Shit, I totally forgot about that! Where the hell is my shirt?" I asked frustrated as I scanned the ground around me.

My ribcage and chest, together with a part of my stomach, were covered with bluish marks mixed with slits of wounds that had probably come from me tripping and falling way too often for the last day or so.

The guys gave me amused looks when I couldn't find my shirt anywhere and I shot them an irritated eye back.

"You haven't answered my question." The grey-eyed guy remarked and I threw my hands out and yelled:

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