Chapter 36: Escape

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Just as Alex was about to bite down on my neck the door to the bedroom flew open and someone yelled loudly:

Movie- timeeeee!!”

I tensed up even more and I could feel Alex stop and pull back slowly. Even though I couldn’t see the door, thanks to Alex holding me down, I guessed that the person who had opened had spotted us on the bed because the silence was suddenly deafening. I could feel my face heating up again at the thought of somebody watching us and I suddenly got my voice back.

“Get of me now or I swear to god I will kick you between the legs until you can’t stand up Alex!” I threatened in a furious voice.

I could feel him shifting slightly before he sighed loudly and let go of my hands. He moved from on top of me and I wasted no time as I pushed myself up from the bed and rolled to the side, planting my feet on the floor once again. I gazed towards the door and saw a frozen Kevin standing there with a big bowl of popcorn in his hands.

If I hadn’t been so embarrassed right now I would have laughed at the expression on his face. As it was, I simply glared at Alex and stalked towards the door. I passed Kevin, who was still standing there staring at us and kept walking down the corridor towards the stairs.

What the hell just happened!?

Alex had been seconds away from biting me and I hadn’t done a shit! What was wrong with me?! How could I let that happen just now!?

I had managed to work myself into a slight panic as I descended the stairs and I had to draw some deep breaths to calm myself down. When I finally felt calm enough I kept walking along the corridor on the second floor and I realized I had no idea where the movie room was.

I didn’t need to worry though because a door at the end of the corridor suddenly slammed open and Kate came jumping out. She got her eyes on me and her face split into a wide grin.

“Ash, you turtle! We were just about to go look for you! The movie starts now so if you don’t want to miss out you have to hurry.” She said as she put a hand on her hip and gave me an impatient look. I had to prevent a laugh from escaping as I watched her. She seemed so small and yet she could look so stern.

“Fine, fine I’m coming. What are we watching anyway?” I said as I stepped up to her and she turned and walked back into the room she came from. I watched as she bounced across the darkly lit room and flung herself down between Amber and Vincent who was currently sitting on a couch together. Amber gave me a small smile and Vincent frowned in irritation.

“Finally, I thought you had fainted on your way or something.” Vincent muttered and I glared at him.

“Yeah, of course you did.” I answered dryly as I let my eyes roam around the room.

The walls of the movie-room were dark brown and several couches and armchairs were scattered all around. A big high-definition movie screen nearly covered a whole wall and I could see the big audio system standing close by.

I had to admit it was kind of cool.

“Are you going to stand there all day?” A smooth voice suddenly said and my eyes immediately found the couch on the left side of the room. I watched as Adam waved slightly and gestured for me to come and join him on the big couch.

Hmpf, as if I would do that...

I was just about to go sit in one of the armchairs when I felt strong arms wrap around me from behind. A small yelp escaped my lips as I was lifted from the ground and the person holding me walked towards Adam.

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