53. Dust of the Past

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"We have to spread. Brandon and Tina, you'll be at the east. George and I will go to North and you, Brazen will go to south." We dispersed and I bravely faced my order After Seth's command. I walked to the southern part searching for the other groups. I used an M24 rifle as a weapon and as an advantage to beat the other groups.



The sound of defeated man was heard so I quickly climbed a tree to hide from the one who had him hit. Slowly but surely, I achieved high on the branches without a sound and used the telescope of the rifle to find the shooter.

'Where are you?' I needed the contact lens to sharpen my eyes and the telescope to be clearer. I looked around with the telescope and succeeded when another one was shot.


Two guys down from the group of Celis and their clothes were splattered with green paint and walked back to the camp. The shooter was hiding in the bushes but I couldn't see where exactly it was.

There's no time to waste but a greater risk comes if I go down there and defeat it in a close range or manually.

"Yah!" Someone came to the bushes and attacked the shooter. "Wrar!" They're both swallowed by the thick bushes and later on both came out beating each other.



I wasted no time and shoot them both continuously.

"Oh man!"

"Fuck! That's not from my team!" They both looked around and later on went to the camp. I roamed the rifle again searching if someone might have seen me or if someone will be passing around.

'Hmmm...' I held my breath and sharpened my ears to hear of any signs of activities.

'Great!' I quickly climbed down and carefully run to another direction. I climbed another tree and reached higher to be unseen and to easily see the location.


'Shit!' I missed a step and it created a noise. I prepared myself for someone might have found me and have me shot.


"Hell, no!"

"Damn! I couldn't believe this thing can't be easily removed!"

"Of course they made sure no one will be cheating!"

"Do you think Seth will be winning this?"

"I have no idea. That Brazen girl is good in fighting but I don't know when it comes to sharp shooting."

"Where is she by the way?"

Their voice fades after passing by and got further. I brought out my compass and used it towards the direction they came from. They're from the west and remembering that Seth and Brandon were on different direction, I chose to go to it.

"Damn, we have no more enemies, I think we have won." I quickly hide down a trunk when I heard voices coming towards my direction. They passed on where I'm hiding and I quickly shoot them before hiding to the opposite side of the trunk.




"What the fuck?"

"Did you target us?"

"Damn you're in trouble."

The first two men looked at the last guy and accused him but the guy showed his back portion and proved he's been shot too.

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