57. The Jokes of Fate

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"Huh?" I looked around for multiple times but saw no one in the office. The hair all over my body started to raise up in fear.

'Do ghosts exist?'

"Shit!" I nearly freaked out when a large hand held on my shoulder. When I looked at it, I sighed in relief. "Cole, stop frightening me!"

Cole giggled as he twists his arms together below his chest and bows his head. He later removed his eyeglasses and massaged the bridge of his nose. "What's keeping you busy?" He bows down to look at the screen but I already pressed the power of the monitor.

"Nobody's allowed to know every individual's mission. It's confidential." I coldly stated to him and wait for him to walk away. The truth is, I was busy rushing the floor plan and design of my project from a couple by my father's recommendation.

"I'm sorry." He apologized and moved beside the computer where he can no longer see the screen. I turned it back on and saved all of the files. "I left late and noticed that this area was still occupied so I asked the guard if anyone is still in here. He told me that it was you so I came here to ask you out before you lose track of time."

I seriously gazed at him as my hand shuts down the computer. "Why bother yourself  to check on me if you were aloof yesterday?" I removed my anti radiation glass and replaced it with my graded glasses to cover up the crease on my nose before taking my belongings so we could leave. 'Wow, he hasn't aged but matured in a handsome way.'

"I was too surprised that day. I didn't expect to meet someone I know and I don't want to change what I have scheduled." He blushed again while we walked out of the office. His presence is really strong including his plain black shirt that made his milky skin to glow and black jeans outfit that made him look taller. He wasn't wearing a uniform or executive suit. Maybe he's tired using it and also in Underground, there's no dress code.

'Wait, Cole mentioned about a guard a while ago. Where the heck did he saw a guard here? I never saw a guard roaming around even today. What is this man thinking?'

"Really? I'm sorry if I had stirred your plans." I uncomfortably smile while we walked the stairs.

"Hey, let me make it up to you this time." After reaching the next floor, Cole blocked my way and I nearly bumped to him. "I'm sorry." He giggles and we proceed until the exit.

"Treat me in a nice cafe." I kindly asked him and we entered his car. "How was your first week today?" My eyes remained focused on the street while I fixed my skirt from lifting up.

"There's nothing easy in every first day of jobs even the first time on doing things. There's a lot of protocol to understand before they place you in a real job. No matter how skilled and expert you are, if you were in a new firm, it will make you feel like a trainee employee." He clears his throat as he tries to reach on something.

"What is it?" I glanced where he's groping at and I noticed that he couldn't find it so I turned my flash light on for him to be able to see.

"I'm thirsty. Can you please get the bottle of water at the back?" He coughs while covering his mouth so I pointed the light at the back seat. "Did you see it?"

"Yes, don't worry I'll get it for you." I stretched my hand to reach the bottle but it was at the edge of the back of Cole's seat. 'Fuck it!' I twisted around and kneeled one of my knees in between our seats and stretched myself to reach the bottle. The chilling wind from the air conditioner quickly reached and froze the exposed skin that was uncovered by my skirt.  "Hey!"

With a sudden movement of the car, I bumped my butt to Cole's shoulder but returned back to my seat. "I'm sorry, a cat suddenly crossed the street." He apologized without even asking if I am fine.

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