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A high pitched scream left my throat as I jumped off the couch.

"What is wrong with you?" I yelled, panting. How can he keep scaring me like this? I'm over it.


I rubbed an eye as I pulled my earphones out.

"Monty." I sighed.

"Monty." Oliver chewed on the word.

"Yes, Oliver?" It was getting late on Saturday night and here I am again, in my unit with my boss, trying to comprehend on what he is saying.

"There's a blizzard coming. I think you should come inside."

I frowned at him then took in my surroundings. "I am inside."

"No. Inside the main house." He frowned.

My head started pounding. "Whatever for?"

"Well, for one," He pointed to my dark and cold fire place. "You don't have that going, so I'm assuming you never cleaned it."

Well done, Sherlock.

"Two, there is a blizzard on its way."

I grimaced. "What? Snow is barely falling!"

Oliver turned my little TV on.

"We interrupt this program for breaking news. A huge blizzard has formed and will directly affect these areas...."

We were in the middle of it.

"Get some of your stuff and come inside. You'll must likely be blocked in with snow if you don't."

I groaned. He had a good reason.

"You left your car out from Friday as well, you might want to put it away."

"Fine!" I snapped as I threw my phone down on to the couch. "I'll be back inside the main house in thirty minutes."

Oliver looked pleased that he won.

"Good. You can have the spare room on the second floor."

My lip curled up. "Fine." Actually, that room had an awesome opened patio attached to it with huge shutters. It's view was marvellous of the grounds and I did want to see a white blanket from there.

"You can go, I'm coming." I stated over my shoulder as I went to my room.

"I'll help you carry your bag. The wind out there is getting nasty."

I did hear it howling. "Maybe I should carry my own bag so I don't get blown away."

"This is no time to try to be funny!"

I turned to see Mr Black by my bedroom door. I shrugged as I continued on.

"Actually, I think it is. There is nothing wrong with seeing some humour in every situation."

I turned my back to him and rolled my eyes as I threw in some jeans and leggings in to my bag.

After several more minutes, I had everything I needed, just a couple days of clothes really as I threw the bag to Oliver and put on my thick sheepskin ugg boots.

I picked up my handbag and chucked my phone, tablet, chargers and keys in and walked outside.

Holy Mother! The icy wind smacked me in the face as we carefully made our way back to the main house.

Damn him. I'm pretty sure he only did this so I would work on Monday!

We trudged through the slush of water and snow up to the stairs and stomped any excess snow of our shoes.

The House KeeperOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora