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I placed a sleeping Cody in his bed and went back to the kitchen. After the small heated discussion with Cody, Oliver Black had heard him yell and came in.

I quickly averted the topic and hushed Cody up with warm milk. That, thankfully made him tired. The dinner was wrapping up as what left of the guests had moved to the bar. It was just after eleven and the last of the caterers had left.

The kitchen was cleaned, dishes done and I was quite happy with that result. It also meant I was done for the night. Oliver said he would handle the bar attendant.

I went to my room and undid the small apron and put my keys and phone on the bedside table. I got out off my two piece pant suit. I wiggled my toes once out off my shoes and slid on some track pants and a singlet. I took my hair out off its tight ponytail and brushed my fingers through it before putting it back up in a lose too bun.

I laid on my bed and enjoyed my comfort before going to sleep. The musicians were long gone,but I could barely hear Oliver and his guests.

Then I heard a screech. I sat up in bed and listened. what was that? Then I heard it. It sounded like it was near the stairs.

"You're breaking up with me?" I heard the high pitched voice. I put my hand on my door knob and slowly turned, opening my door slightly.


"Come on Cordelia. You and I are no longer on the same path."

"You just agreed with me the other night about a serious relationship."

"Uh yeah, but."

"But what? Just not with me?"

If she yells any louder, she's going to wake Cody up.

"Cordie, please my nephew is asleep." It was like my mind was being read.

"No, don't Cordie me, Oliver! I've wasted over a year of my life with you for nothing!" I heard her snarl.

"All you wanted out of me was money." Oliver growled at her.

"No, I wanted you to enjoy what you have, like we use to years ago. When we were teenagers. You, me, Conner."

My eyes widened. I wouldn't have pictured Oliver as a party type. No! He is too serious.

"I've outgrown that life."

"How? What are you saying? You've outgrown fun?"

"There's more to life then getting drunk. You don't need alcohol to have fun." Oliver snapped at her.

"Conner would disagree with you!" I went to gasp, but covered my mouth instead.

"You don't get to mention Conner!"

"Conner, Conner, Conner!" Now Cordie sounded immature.

"He would still be alive if you didn't introduce that life to him!" Oliver roared at her.

"You've been a waste of my time, Oliver." I heard her as her heels clicked on the floorboards.

"Yeah?" Oliver laughed. "You've been a waste of my time and money!" He yelled at her. "I'm not Conner. Conner is dead! You're just jealous he never chose you."

"So what? You were the next best thing." I heard her sneer.

"Get out!"

I heard the front door slam as I leaned against my door, shutting it. I waited to hear little footsteps but none came. I climbed in to bed and as soon as I got comfortable, my door opened.

"Monty," Cody called in a little voice.

I pulled the blanket back and told him to get in.

Cody climbed up and snuggled into me. "Did you get woken up, little man?" I whispered to him.

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