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6 Months Later

Monty's P.O.V

I smiled widely. I felt the tears that prick at me. It hurt as much now as it did the first time I did this.

I had to keep a happy and brave face on. I nodded at Cody as he looked from me to the lady smiling down at him.

Cody took her hand and the door closed behind them.

My smile left me as I closed my eyes, staying squatted in my position. I begged that for the tears to leave, and they did, but not with me crying.

I eventually stood up and smiled at the lady behind the front desk. Every Monday is hard.

I left the daycare centre and went back to my car. I wiped away any tears that stained my cheeks as I left.

The drive home was short and preferable as I didn't want to do anything today. I just wanted to relax, lounge out in my home.

I love it. It was my wedding gift from Oliver and I love it.

It was French country style and so open and gorgeous. But I wasn't home alone for long. As soon as I made myself a hot Milo, I was sitting at the kitchen bench, writing out a shopping list I do intend to do, when I find the energy.

Oliver came in then, to my surprise.

"I thought you were at work?" I asked him. Ever since we had moved in here, Oliver had been at his office more than his study here.

"I was." He smiled as he took my mug and had a sip.

I felt his warm and wet lips on mine. "I have a surprise for you." He whispered to me.

I raised an eyebrow. Really?

I followed Oliver out the front and before I knew it, we were around the corner from our lavish house.

"Why are we here?" I frowned at him as he showed me the empty large plot of land.

"We bought it." He smiled at me.

"What? We only just moved in here five months ago and now you're buying more land?" I looked around me, the street was empty, only another house stood behind us. It was a new estate.

Oliver took my hand as he led us back home. "Actually, there is more to it. I don't plan on moving." He told me as I looked at him.

"I'm confused."

"Just as much as I am when it comes to you not accepting another housekeeper?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Ha." I laughed as we went back through the front door. "Not happening. Besides, I could do all this and care for Cody before, what makes you think I can't now?"

"Because you're my wife now." Oliver grinned as I went to our main bedroom.

"I'll be fine. Just don't forget, I was your housekeeper once before." I teased him.

Oliver opened the drawer on his side of the bed and placed down some paper. "Open it." He insisted.

I sat on the bed and unfolded the sheets. "These are blue prints."


"To what looks like a mansion! How many children do you want?" I joked as I looked up at him horrified.

Oliver saw my face and laughed. "This place isn't for our children." He placed a flat palm on the blueprints. "That's this house."

I felt mighty silly but I was curious. "What is this place for then?"

"I'm hoping, a home for other children. A place of sanctuary. You yourself said before you wished there was such a place when you needed one."

I frowned at Oliver. "Are you tying to say, this is a group home?"

"Yes." Came his short answer.

I thought it over. I've been in them before, just a couple. One was nice, but the one I stayed in till I was eighteen was over crowded and under funded.

"What about all the red tape?" I asked him.

"I'm taking care of it all."

I gave him a slow smile. "That sounds marvellous." I leaned over the papers and hugged him.

Oliver kissed me then and we sunk in to the bed. "Speaking of children?" He mumbled against my lips.

I sighed and pulled away. "We've only been married for six months!"

"But I reckon Cody could do with a sibling."

I groaned in my throat.

"Fine. When the time is right." Oliver tickled me, making me laugh. "But maybe another four."

I arched my brow at him again. "You want five kids?" I asked him.

"Well, we already have one." He grinned mischievously at me. "Let's practice on another." I felt his lips on my neck and I really wanted to succumb to it.

"Since you're home..." I giggled at him. Oliver answered a mumble against my skin. "Let's go out for lunch."

Oliver sat up, his face a disgusted look upon it, making me giggle.

"Go out? When I have you here under me. I think not." He groaned as he kissed me again.

I pushed him off. "I'm serious. Go get my hairbrush from the bathroom. You've messed my hair." I playfully swatted at him.

Oliver went to the bathroom and came out with it. Nothing was amiss. I frowned. "Not that one." I told him as I saw the black hair brush in his hands.

"Why not?"

"Uh," Why not? "That one hurts. Isn't there another one there?" I sat up on the bed.

"Just use this one, Monty." Oliver groaned as he tossed the brush on to the bed.

I pouted as I watched it land. Snatching it up, I hastily brushed my hair before offering it back to Oliver.

He looked surprised. "You want me to put it back now?" He laughed at me. "You're bossy right now." But Oliver took the hair brush anyway.

"I don't know what the big deal is over a hair brush." He stated as he walked back in to the bathroom.

It's not over the hair brush. I thought to myself.

"Besides, you look good with messy...."

I tilted my head, waiting for him to finish his sentence.

Ah, he spotted it.

"Monty..." He slowly called out.

"Yes?" I answered, a smile on my face.

"Is this..." Oliver's voice drifted out of the bathroom. "Are you..."


"We are getting a,"

Say it! I screamed in my head.


I hung my head down as I sighed. He can be so infuriating!

Oliver came out off the bathroom holding a white stick in his hand, reading it.

"You're pregnant?"

I nodded as I smiled.

Oliver dropped the pregnancy test and came over to me as I stood.

I felt his arms around me as he kissed me. "We are having a baby!" He declared before kissing me again.

Just a fill in chapter before the end.

Enjoy all!

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