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I stared at Oliver as everything stopped. I wanted to say something, I needed to.

I felt the towel loosen and I took my hand off the bench to the towel and held it.

Oliver stepped back, releasing me. I think he is just as confused as I am. I went to stand up right when my right knee throbbed in pain as I put weight in that leg.

I winced in pain as I took hold off the towel rack. "What's wrong?" Oliver asked, concern running through his face.

That's what that click was. My knee. "I think I popped my knee." I breathed through the pain as I lifted my leg. I tried bending it, but that hurt too.

In a swift movement, Oliver placed an arm around my back and leaned down to place another one behind my knees and spun as he picked me up.

I gasped at the movement and the arm further away from Oliver flew to my towel, the other one went around his neck for support.

Oliver carried me to my bed in silence and gently placed me down as he quickly turned his back.

"I'm going to get an ice pack while you, uh, cover yourself." Oliver mumbled as he walked out of my room.

I sat on my bed as I stared at my now closed door.

What the hell just happened?

I leaned over to my drawers and pulled on my panties. I dropped the towel and wrapped a dressing gown over me and tied it up. I stood up and shifted my weight to my left knee and fixed the gown up.

I groaned at the pain as I sat back down, laying my sore knee down on the bed.

It wasn't long after that when I heard Oliver knock on the door. He however didn't open it.

"You can come in." I called to him.

Oliver opened the door and stepped in, keeping his head down. I sat back on the bed, leaning against the head board and swung the rest of my body up.

Oliver placed a pillow under my knee and wrapped a cold pack on top.

I bit my bottom lip, trying to avoid the tension in the room.

"I'm sorry you hurt yourself." Oliver finally spoke.

"It wouldn't have happened at all if you didn't follow me in to the bathroom." I lectured at him.

"No, it wouldn't have happened if you didn't go back in there." He countered back to me.

"You shouldn't have thrown me by walking in on me in the bath." I chastised.

"You should have answered the door." Oliver defended.

I sighed. "It doesn't matter how many times you counter what I say, you started the chain reaction." I smirked at him. Oliver's hand still on the cold pack on my knee.

"Me?" Oliver chuckled as he sat on the bed, facing me.

"Yes! You. Don't act innocent." I laughed at his facial expression. "You followed me in the bathroom and I slipped. You walked in on me in the bath, making me forget my clothes were already there. I went for a bath after what happened in the study. It did hurt me to know you're replacing me."

Oliver never said anything. He just smiled instead.

"Don't be grinning like that." I joked at him.

Oliver shrugged me off.

"Well , I'm sorry for you getting hurt, Monty."

"And another thing." I chewed at him. "Why do you keep switching back and forwards with calling me Monty and Miss Kelly."

Oliver froze and the playfulness left the room. The tension thickened and I instantly regretted opening my mouth. Nice one, Monty, I yelled at myself.

Oliver's hand left the cold pack as he stood up and distanced himself.

I looked at him in surprise as his eyes darkened and his whole persona changed.

"Let me know how your knee is in the morning. Once again, I'm sorry." Oliver left the room and closed the door.

What just happened? I'm confused.

I took the ice pack off my numb knee and found a shirt. I took my gown off and plucked the shirt on and tucked myself in.

I was trying to work out what had happened here.

I was nearly asleep when I suddenly remembered my phone. Groaning, I swung out off bed and sat up, bracing myself for the pain.

I needed to put pants on. This shirt wasn't long enough. I won't be fast enough to get my phone and come back to the room.

I hopped to my door and opened it, looking out. It was dark. No lights were on, if Oliver was in the office, I couldn't tell, that room was under me.

I leaned against the wall and half hopped half limped to the bathroom. A good heat rub wouldn't hurt but all that stuff will be in the kitchen. I will not be trying my luck of going to the kitchen in my shirt and panties.

I made it to the bathroom, a sigh of relief left my lips as I opened the door and went in.

I picked up my phone and my pants from the clothes I had left there. I took my time and tried to slip them on.

I had left the door open, not thinking, when I just managed to get the pants on my hips and I leaned on the bench for support.

Okay. I'm half way done, now just go back to the bedroom.

I got out off the door and a couple hops to my room, leaning against the wall, away from the open balcony.

I felt an arm wrap around my waist and I was wedged away from the wall. I looked at Oliver in surprise as he helped support my right side of my body.

I got to my room and Oliver quickly lifted me on the bed. He didn't say any thing and then left.

He closed the door behind him and I stared at the door. "Thank you." I mumbled in return in to the wooden door.

I have obviously said something that had offended him. But what?

Quick double update to finish the night off.

Enjoy ❤️

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